Chapters 5

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(Min Hye's POV)

A letter found its way to my usual empty mailbox. A letter telling me that the boy's needed another session, and another informing me about all their failed marks. Except for maybe D.O. who got a C+.

It's not going to be an easy day today. Walking into the classroom, I felt a grim vibe rushing to me similar to our first meeting.

Disappointment were evident in their expressions. Probably another reason why I got fired.

"So I got the results back, and it may not have been the best grades, but hey we got one passing grade." I looked at D.O. who didn't show any interest in anything I was saying.

A person I think named Suho started to speak, "It's okay. We never really cared, we fail all the time."

My heart clenched at his words. No, I can't give up.

My hands automatically clasped onto each other making a loud sound that startled each and everyone in the room, "C'mon you guys! You tried your best! Failure doesn't matter. That's why I'm here! Right?" I held out ny hands and yet no response.

"I mean, it's probably all my fault that you guys failed. I didn't really listen to the lyrics you made. If you know what I mean..." I scratched the back of my neck laughing nervously.

Throughout the room, my awkward laughs were the only thing heard until one of them spoke up, "So is there still a winner?"

I nodded my head, "Of course! D.O.'s team wins so they could request for anything they wish for."

Instantly they all huddled up to decide on their reward. The other team sat out from the huddle a bit annoyed.

Finally, once they were finished Suho stood up walking towards me. He went near my ear and started whispering, "Um, this is suppose to be a secret from the other team, but my group can't decide yet. So they were wondering if we could tell you another time."

"Another time?"

" Yeah, but don't worry though. I'm here so they won't do anything weird."

I nodded my head trying to absorb everything he said. For some reason though his words weren't reassuring enough to convince me not to worry.

I stood up to distract myself, "Well the deal is set. Everyone, please take a seat. Our goal is to at least pass the next exam." All of them replied with a groan of annoyance.


I woke up at at 3am in the morning, receiving at call from Suho.

"Sowaneul maraeba..." he sang on the other line, "Hey the boys are ready to tell you our wish."

I stuffed my head under my pile of plushies, "Can't you just tell me over the phone. It's 3am in the morning!"

I whined a little, but all I heard was a small chuckle and a mellow beep. He had hung up on me.

When I got to the boys the sun wasn't even up yet, but it seemed like that their whole house was awake.

Each window they had were lit up under the dawn sky.

So this is where the boys' live.

The house was not extravagant, but not shabby either. What surprised me the most though was that I wouldn't even had known that there was a house here if I didn't have their address. There were so many trees hiding it, and I'm pretty sure I thought I was lost at some point.

I called Suho again, "I'm here...What am I supposed to do?" As soon as I stopped speaking I was pulled into the house, taking me by surprise. I tried screaming, but a hand smacked me in the mouth, not allowing me to let out a sound.

I looked back and saw Suho, enabling me to breathe once again. As soon as he let me go I whisper screamed, "You scared me! I almost died!"

He smiled whispering back, "I'm sorry! It was an emergency. No one's allowed to know you're here. Come, sit. I'll get you some drinks." As he lead me through a series of hallways there was nothing but silence between us. There were many doors and other hallways you could enter. So if I went alone walking through this whole house I would've ended up lost. I'm surprised they didn't have a map to get around.

Once he seated me, he disappeared saying he'd get drinks for both of us. While waiting, a person walked in from one of the hallways with a groggy look pasted on his face. It was panda eyes, Tao. At first he rubbed his eyes, then without taking his eyes off of me he walked backwards. Then once again he walked forward to check whether I was real or not. As soon as it sank in, he instantly ran away screaming, "There's a person! There's a person!" His screams were probably heard throughout the whole house.

Not long after, Suho came running back and grabbed my arms, "Hide!" he demanded. He ran to the nearest closet he could find shoving me in without hesitation. The next thing I know it I'm in a confined dark closet in somebody's house whom I've never even visited before.

I put my ear up against the closet door trying my best to hear what they were saying from the outside.

Suho's voice was the first one I heard, "Where's the person! Where's the person? Tao! Who are you talking about?"

Tao then replied with a hint of anxiousness in his voice, "I saw a lady sitting on the couch before, but now she's not here."

"A lady..." a voice quivered.

"Could it be a ghost..." I heard another voice say.

Then someone else joined in, "Chanyeol, Baekhyun, how many times am I going to tell you that ghosts doesn't exist."

"And even if they did Suho hyung will protect us, right?"

"That's right, Sehun" Suho agreed.

"Yeah he'll be our sacrifice."

Everyone else laughed in return. I could almost imagine Suho's face. He then said, "Let's just see about that. I'm sure the ghost won't mind getting our maknae."

Then somebody else in the room started speaking."Fool!" a deep voice bellowed.

Then later Tao yelled out, "Ow!" after getting hit, but that didn't stop him, "I swear... I did see someone out here."

After that, all I heard were footsteps. Then for a few minutes deafening silence roamed the air. I wondered where they went, but not long after, panic started settling in my stomach.

What if they forgot about me? Am I just going to spend my whole night like this?

As soon as those thoughts entered my mind the door opened letting a blinding light enter. I looked up grabbing the hand that was reaching out for me, but as soon as my eyes got its senses back I realize that it wasn't Suho's hand I was holding.

"Are you okay?" He asked in a deep voice.

Well this is just the beginning of the craziness ahead. I hope I can write an exciting chapter for once for the next update. It's been so boring lately.

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Tutoring EXO ( EXO fanfic )Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora