Chapter 7

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Deals and promises were meant to be broken. That's what people say, but I have a hard time just imagining myself breaking one. My days grew more hectic, after each passing request the boys asked me. All week the only reason I have been actually using my phone was because for some unknown reason the boys got my phone number making it easier for them to order me.

Nevermind, my point here is I feel like I've become a slave. If that's going a bit too far then let's just say... a servant.

Even though there were only 6 of them, I felt like they asked for way too much.

For instance, on Monday I found myself dressed up as a guy delivering who knows how much Chinese food to their dorm. Why dressed up as a guy? They said EXO-M would be there so I had to wear a disguise, but when I came, Kai and Sehun were the only ones home. It was such a pain to trying get that fake facial hair off of me.

Then, on Tuesday, I was doing their groceries for all twelve of them, and I had to use my own money because they didn't have the time to give me the proper amount. My whole monthly savings turned into sea foam in that one single day. Did I mention that my grocery list was over five pages long? The day after that, I was reorganizing all of their closets, and please tell me, how is it possible for guys to have so many clothes, and don't even get me started with their laundry. Adding to that I still had to plan my next tutoring session, and I wasn't even sure if I was still their tutor. I had to endure just a bit more. Just a bit more until the boys pass. Never will I ever make a deal like this ever again. Lessons have been learned.

For today's schedule I had to clean their whole dorm in a span of 2 hours. I had to be done just before they get home.

Going from room to room, I realized that every one of their rooms were horrendous! I mean, everything was on the floor, and when I say everything I'm talking about things a girl shouldn't even see in a guy's room.

When I got to the last room God probably heard my prayers because everything was spotless. Everything was neatly folded in place, and there was not a speck of dirt seen. What caught my attention though was two slips of paper resting on his desk. When I got a closer look a realization fell upon me.

They were tickets! EXO tickets!

Almost immediately I whipped my phone out, and in the process I made miraculous catch when I accidentally dropped it. If the boys had their ways on getting my number, I had my own too. It was a good thing I got the boys' numbers beforehand. I quickly dialed the first student in my contacts, D.O.

"What do you want?" he asked.

Well, I guess he's never heard of a 'hi' and 'hello' before. I cleared my throat. "Um. You see. I just. I have a really quick question."

Should I even ask? Won't he get offended? I mean they are the biggest fans of EXO.

Right about the time I was about to get lost in my thoughts, D.O. screamed, "What is it! Tell me already. I'm not even allowed to be on my phone."

I gripped my phone harder, and through gritted teeth I was able to start speaking, "Well, you see. My friend really wanted EXO tickets and I really don't know where to get them. I just happened to find them on top of your desk sooo...."

Then I heard someone scream from behind D.O. "Just take them already. I don't really need them."

It took a second to sink in."Wait, what? I mean I just wanted to know where I could get them, but any way tha-" A continuous beeping sound interrupted me.

Before I could say thank you, I realized that they had already hung up.

I froze in place and looked at the tickets in my hands. Dropping my phone, I raised the tickets to my sight.

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