Chapter 43

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"Aren't you gonna answer your phone?"

I looked behind me to see Soo Man. He was stunning. Everyday I see him, and I still can't believe that I was married to a man like him.

"Your phone?" He looked up from his paper work and motioned to my pockets.

"Oh my phone..." It was probably one of those annoying agents that keep claiming they've found the next big artist, when in fact the person's got no talent. I quickly rejected the call.

There were more important matters.

Just yesterday, Minah came, and I'm sure she's bound to meet my daughter.

Will it even matter after all these years?

My hand squeezed my phone tighter. No matter how much I wanted to hide it from Minhye, I know there will come time that she'll find out. It has been a burden that has held me back all these years. She just reminds me of him every time I see her. I didn't mean to be distant. It just happened, and I'm amazed my daughter didn't take any of this to heart. She has always loved me.

"Are you afraid?" I looked up to see Soo Man. There were gentle creases within his eyebrows, and in his eyes you could see a gray of worry.

He knew everything. From my husband to my daughter.

Why couldn't have I just chosen him years ago?

Instead of bearing the pain of choosing the wrong man, why couldn't have I just seen that the person that would love me more than myself was closer than I thought.

He was my high school friend, but we were two different people. He went abroad, while I stayed here thinking I could become anything I wanted to be as long as I believed.

"I'm not afraid. I know my daughter well, and she's strong enough to withstand the truth." I said.

Soo Man stopped writing."Do you really think she's in the right condition to know?"

"Condition? What do you mean?" My fingers curled into my palms.

"You know Wu Yi Fan? He left the group, everyone's unstable right now."

Soo Man stood up from his chair. You could hear the tapping of his footsteps get louder as he got closer to me. My head hung low. There was this uncertainty inside me, but I couldn't do anything about it. I've already planned on telling her earlier, but things just never went my way. Soo Man took my hand, and when I looked up he had a gentle smile pasted on his face telling me that everything will be alright.

"She needs to know." I said with firmness in my voice.

Soo Man averted his gaze, "Does she need to know now?"

I nodded my head. If anything she should've known earlier.

"But that man hasn't done any good!"

"And that man was my husband!"

"Are you defending him?"

"No!" The whole room was silenced. I didn't mean to raise my voice, and once again I'm making Soo Man feel dejected. "I'm sorry." I whispered, "I just can't accept that I married, let alone had a child with that man. I'm sorry. I love my daughter Soo Man... I just need..."

Soo Man gently caressed my cheeks wiping my tears clean. I was crying again. I promised to be strong, and still I couldn't do it.

"You need to be there for her..." Soo Man finished for me. He sat down next to me letting my head rest on his shoulders. This is what I loved most about him. He cared more than anyone I've ever known.

"He killed someone..." I clenched onto the fringe of my dress.

"Do you really think he'll hold that against your daughter?"

I looked to Soo Man, and he was still smiling...

"Why are you so confident that he won't hate my daughter?" I asked.

Soo Man shook his head, "I'm not certain... All I know is that he loves your daughter..."

"Even if my husband killed his father, he'll still love her?"

Soo Man stayed silent, "Chanyeol is a bright young man, but it all depends on him... Will he love the daughter of his father's murderer?"


If anyone is confused ask it up...

It's okay I'm confusing myself too...

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