Edit Update...

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Hello my readers,

I will be on hiatus, but don't worry. It's only going to be a month long hiatus. I will also be editing previous chapters.

I have always been editing chapters for grammar and spelling, but this time I'm improving my writing style.

The plot will stay the same, don't worry. No need for rereading, but I'm not satisfied with my work, so I'm going to be changing it during my hiatus.

Thank you so much for your support and reads. You guys have really given me purpose to write. I do really sincerely thank you, and although I can't personally connect with you guys, I just wanted to tell you that you guys that you make my day, by simply reading.

If you ever need someone to talk to, don't be afraid to start a conversation with me. I'm always up for a good chingu! ^.^ Thank you so much!


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