Chapter 29

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(Minhye's POV)

I was back to my suitcase unpacking all my belongings with hopes of finishing today. I turned around to see Kris.

Oh right he was helping me...

I abruptly looked away and buried my face into the bushel of clothes I was holding.

For some reason Kris seemed different. He was confusing the llamas out of me.

Gathering up my last bit courage, I stole another glimpse of him. He was simply arranging my shoes, but he emitted radiant light.

I've gone mad...

Kris glowed and from a distance I watched every detail he held. His hair was down in a shaggy mess brushing against the tips of his brows. His eyelids relaxed from open to close as  he looked around my room. And as I listened closely I heard a light melody hummed by him.

Before I could take my eyes off him he had already noticed my gaze.

He didn't make it awkward, but instead he smiled, and that probably made my whole day. I've never seen Kris smile so much, and it was genuine. It didn't feel fake.

He reached out his hands to me and brushed my probably rosy cheeks simultaneously sending sparks of electricity as I felt our skin touch. Here it was again. The irregular pattern of my heartbeat returned.

I wasn't even aware, but the distance between us gradually got smaller up until to the point where our noses were touching.

My heart squeezed. Maybe, just maybe. Maybe I was in love...

Our foreheads pressed together, feeling our breathing, I felt him get closer.


And closer...




5:30 a.m.

I woke up with my alarm clock softly humming to 'Like This' by the Wonder Girls.

What have you done to me Kris?

As soon as I opened my eyes, through my eyelashes I saw Spade, my llama (or alpaca ^.^). Instantly a smile unnoticed that bloomed on my face, disappeared. A uneasy feeling rose up to my stomach.

Just a dream... Never happened...

Along with the warm feeling playing inside of me, reality also tugged at my heartstrings. All Kris really did yesterday was help me unpack, as a friend.

I had no right to be feeling this way, and my future was still ahead of me.

Today was going to be my first day of 'training'. To become a producer I needed to to start now, and waking up early just helped with the beginning anxiety.

I should forget everything to avoid distractions.

I also wanted to make breakfast for the boys before I left, to thank them for welcoming me into their dorm.

They too all had the same reaction as Chen, Tao, and Xiumin when I told them the news. I had to explain the story over and over again for them to understand, but it was fun to watch their reactions.

Using my phone as a flashlight to navigate through the pitch black hallways, I neared the kitchen.

I wasn't the typical person to be paranoid in situations like these, but for some strange reason an eerie uneasiness roamed the air.
Step by step, the hollow sound of my shoes against the hardwood floor amplified my heartbeat. The fear that relentlessly contaminated my thoughts didn't stop until I was 13 steps from the kitchen. Each step I took, an echoing thud returned.

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