Chapter 19

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(Minhye's POV)

Tao's jaw had dropped to the floor followed by Chen and Xiumin. He hid behind Kris and in disbelief he spoke , "Minhye, I never knew you were this kind of person."

I buried my face into my palms and heaved a sigh. "If you don't want to, you don't have too." They continued to stare at me with doubt.

I turned around motioning them to follow me, and as we continued our walk, a few members couldn't help but to ask some questions.

Chen first asked, "Where are we going?"

I kept silent to increase the suspense.

Xiumin added, "I really don't mind going shirtless, but I need to know... why?"

I shook my head without looking back. "Sorry guys, I can't say..."

There were a few seconds of silence among the boys, but a shirt flew over me landing right on top of my head. It was Xiumin's shirt.

"If Minhye says so I guess I'll just have to go with the flow." I felt Xiumin smile brightly behind me.

Then I heard Tao, "If hyung is fine with it I guess I'll have to man up and go along with Minhye too." Another shirt landed on me.

Luhan joined the conversation, "Man up? I'm a MAN! Don't leave me out." Another shirt landed on top of me.

I really thought everyone would eventually have their shirts off under the influence of the members who did, but the last one who took off their shirt was Chen.

In the corner of my eyes I noticed and pitied Kris who looked like he wore a good amount of layers. He even had a leather jacket, with fur brimming the bottom; along with a weird scarf thing. Poor him.

The boys' first challenge, on their first day, will take place in our very own sauna.

As soon as the boys realized that they were going to be in a sauna, almost immediately everyone started to strip their layers of clothes off.

"Wait!" I yelled, "If anyone takes anything off I'm going to have to increase the temperature, and it's actually pretty hot in there."

All of them groaned in return except for the few who followed my advice.

"Oh, stop your whining! Now everybody in!"

D.O. stared at me with his menacing eyes, "How is this going to help us in our tests!"

I shook my head with a smirk creeping onto me, "Uh-uh... You didn't let me finish..." I cleared my throat to say my last sentence, "No questions asked please..." I earned a few laughs from the boys as they entered the heated room.

The boys were finally in place, and halmoni had already arrived to sit on her throne. There were actually three foldable chairs in front of the sauna window, and the one with the most embellishments was supposedly her 'throne'. The window, on the otherhand, was made to be a big rectangle, so that we would be able to see the inside of the sauna without actually feeling the fury of heat. The three chairs are for us three judges who will be the key to the members' freedom.

I looked through the windows and took my microphone to communicate with the boys. "As you can see all of you are probably suffering right now."

"No really, I never knew that!" Kris spat out in anger.

I stifled a laugh, "There is only one way to get out of your misery. We will be giving you different challenges, and whoever succeeds to be the best will be able to leave."

I spotted Baekhyun pull up his sleeves up. "Let's do this thing!"

The corners of my cheeks lifted. "The first challenges is simple. All you have to do is convince us to release you." One by one the boys started to take their own chances to get out.

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