Chapter 48

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The next few days I completely disappeared from the company.

I was able to say goodbye to my parents, Ji Won, and Jinhee, but I was too afraid to go to the boys.

I was a coward. I wouldn't been able to bare the guilt I had of ruining their lives. It was too much to handle.

But that's why I was leaving. I was the one who got the boys in this mess of being mistreated idols, and I'll make sure to be the one to pull them out.

I pressed my phone against my ears and shoulders as I tried to balance my bags of groceries I recently bought.

"Ne unnie, I just actually just went shopping. I'll be ready by then. Ne. Ne. Bye."

Tomorrow was the day I was leaving. Minah has bought our tickets to China, and there we planned to take down SM little by little.

I scanned the parking lot, looking for a silver Sentra. Jinhee was suppose to pick me up. Most of my groceries were for her anyway. She was making me a goodbye cake, yet I was the one to buy the ingredients.

I strolled pass every car looking for the right one, but the chance of finding Jinhee looked dreary. There were so many sentras, but none were silver.

"Minhye!" A voice hollered.

I turned around feeling a rush of relief. Thank goodness she found me!

"Jinh--- Baekhyun?" I gripped my bags of groceries tighter. No I couldn't see him. Not now.

If there was Baekhyun, there would be Chanyeol, and I was right.

Right inside the car Baekhyun was standing next to was Chanyeol. He didn't seem to notice me yet, but I was sure it wouldn't be long till he did.

I shook my head and mouthed 'please' to Baekhyun. Please, don't let him see me.

He wore a sympathetic look. He probably knew the most about what happened in our past. Chanyeol told him everything, and I was sure our past was a part of the secrets he shared with him.

"Yah! We're going to be late what's taking you so long!" As soon as Chanyeol stuck his head out the car, I twisted my whole body and made a run for it.

"Who was that?" Was the last thing I heard before I got far enough, and just as I hoped for in the distance I saw Jinhee jumping up and down next to her car.

It was my safe zone, if I could just reach it in time...

A hand forcefully grabbed me by the shoulders, making me bounce back a full 180.

No, I can't. I shut my eyes tightly and cowered down into my elbows. Please don't let him see me.

It was too late. For a second I met his gaze, but my vision blurred when my tears began to fall. There he was. Chanyeol towered over me with an expression I could not fathom. The whole situation was everything I feared.

I couldn't see him. Not when I had to leave everything behind the next day.

I waited for everything to fall apart, but before I could get hurt, Jinhee went up to us and kicked Chanyeol right in the shin.

She grabbed me pulling me away from the boy who was now holding onto his shins jumping up and down.

"Let's go!" Jinhee yelled.

I was pulled into her car instantly speeding away from the scene.

Baekhyun stood beside Chanyeol trying to hold him up.

"You okay?"

I jerked my head to Jinhee. I was still crying. No I was not okay.

"Yeah, I'm okay."

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