Part Sixteen

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"HOW YOU MOTHER FUCKERS DOING TONIGHT!?" Andy yelled through the microphone, the crowd cheered excitedly and reached out for him.
I stood on the back stage with Kayla, Mark and a few other people; I kept getting anxious; every time I asked Andy why I had to go shopping, he would tell me not to worry about it then begin singing.
I was growing irritated and impatient about this whole thing.
Kayla turned to me with a raised brow. "Is there a reason on why you had to look adorable tonight?" She asked.
I examined my outfit then rose a brow. " 'Adorable'?" I questioned.
I instantly paled, why did I have to go out there? I looked to my sister and her boyfriend who both looked as dumb founded as I felt.
I breathed in then breathed out before walking onto the stage to only hear some fans cheering, it made me smile when I walked over to Andy with my arms crossed.
Andy grinned, his arm resting over my shoulder as he lifted the mic back to his mouth.

"HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT A DUET TONIGHT!?" He yelled to hear the fans screaming, my eyes grew wide as I looked at him in shock.
"Andy, are you insane!?" I exclaimed.
Andy looked to the guys who all were grinning now, I turned to them with wide eyes.
"You guys were in on this!?" I yelled.
Andy laughed before raising his fist in the air.
"SING, SING, SING!" The fans all began to shout.
Andy looked to me. "Got to do what the fans want." He said then looked to the guys.
I froze when my favorite song by them began to play.

"DRAG ME TO THE GRAVE!" Andy began as I grinned hearing the guys.
"Woaaaah woah woah woah woah

Woaaaah woah woah woah woah
Woaaaah woah woah woah woah."

I breathed in before taking the extra mic, I looked over my shoulder to where my sister and the others were; they were standing there in shock as I smiled.
"Feel the blade of a broken promise
Carvin' wounds in a waste of conscience
I alone have the will to fight it
Save my own demise!" I sang then looked to Andy who was already grinning.
"Another victim, another viper
I can feel sins grippin' tighter
To the spirits that we die for
And I will never let it go" He brought his arm around my shoulder as I did the same over his, we were both grinning at our singing, we were taking this pretty serious too.
"Risin' up, I'm a fighter
Young and loud with desire
Heroes blessed by the fire
I won't let these demons" I looked to the crowd that was screaming and reaching for us, it was a feeling I was not used to feeling yet, and this duet did it big time.

After the concert was over, I walked with the guys to the signing table; I took a seat next to CC smiling when fans were racing over to us in a hurry.
A girl with dark brown hair and Jinxx's old war paint walked up to us with a smile.
"You're voice is really, really pretty!" She told me, I smiled softly looking at her.
"Thank you."
The girl grinned then handed the guys a poster she had bought asking if they would all sign it, it passed down from CC to Ashley for them all to sign it; tonight was a blast. I didn't think that was actually going to happen, I mean I thought it; but didn't picture it happening. I could feel the excitement racing through my body, just standing on that stage; and singing with the guys.. I smiled softly. I loved them all, but mostly CC.

When we left the concert, we were heading straight to a restaurant for supper; no one wanted to eat the hotels finest meals tonight. They actually made me nauseous..
We walked into Logan's and I was really happy about this, last time I came here was for prom and their pork chops were amazing. We walked over to the waitress who grinned at us before leading us to a table, my hand was in CC's when we took a seat she asked for our drinks then returned with menus and the liquids.
I looked to Ashley. "Don't pull a stunt like you did at casa ole, you're aware me and Kayla are in relationships, so we don't need big brother Ashley to our rescue." I told him sipping on the sweet tea.
Ashley pouted before looking to Jinxx. "They grow up so fast." He whined.
Jinxx sighed but patted the other on the back before taking a drink of his coke.
I looked at him apologetically then looked to Kayla who had been talking to Mark nonstop since we arrived, I frowned but examined the menu in silence.

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning to go to Ohio with Mark, he wants me to meet his family; afterwards, we're returning to L.A." Kayla said on the back stage after my duet with Andy had ended.
I stood there with slight shocked expression before frowning deeply.
"Do you plan on telling the guys about this decision?" I asked.
Kayla looked at me with her arms crossed. "I'm not sure yet, I know if I do; Ashley will throw some sort of fit and I don't want to see them upset." She said with a sigh.
I rose a brow. "And you think just up and leaving without saying a word won't upset them more?" I asked.
Kayla frowned deeply. "Am I being selfish then?" She asked.
I looked away with a frown. "No, I just think you need to tell them in person; if you don't then they'll think you never cared to be around them.. We've been with these guys for three months and you want to leave just like that.." I said.
Kayla glared. "This isn't the life I wanted for me, I came with you to Houston; I didn't think we these guys... I didn't think I'd meet Mark, Haley. I'm in a relationship with the guy I've been in love with for years, I'm sorry you're upset about this and I-
"I'm not upset! I'm irritated you think not telling the guys you're leaving is a smart move. Either you tell them, or I fucking will." I hissed before walking off to go find Sammi.

I stared at the plate with fries on it frowning, we got into a argument; was she really not going to say anything? We've been through a lot and suddenly, its 'I'm going to Ohio bye.' I frowned deeply squeezing down on my glass, I wasn't upset. I was irritated, I jumped feeling a hand on my shoulder; I looked over to Sammi looking at me with concern. She looked to Kayla then to the guys.
"We'll be back, if our food gets here; make sure Ashley or Andy don't touch it." She said, her hand took mine then lead me out; I frowned glancing to Kayla who was looking to us then looked back to Mark smiling.
When we walked outside, I frowned deeply. Sammi looked at me with her arms crossed, "Haley; she is eighteen. If she wants to go to Ohio, let her?" She suggested.
I looked to her with a sigh. "I am letting her, she doesn't need permission Sammi; I'm upset that she's not telling them.. Ashley and Jayy deserve to know." I told her.
Sammi looked at me frowning. "Give her twenty minutes, if she doesn't say anything; then either you or I will. " She told me before walking back inside with me following right behind.
I took a seat then looked to CC who had a concerned look, I gave him a weak smile but looked at my drink frowning.

"I'm leaving with Mark to go to Ohio first thing in the morning." Kayla said looking to us.
It wasn't even seconds later root beer was being sprayed all over me and I was screaming.
"YOU'RE WHAT!?" Ashley yelled throughout the restaurant, his glass barely in his hand.

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