Part Nine

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The next morning came fast, when I turned over; I tensed. There was a sleeping bear in my bed, and by bear; I mean CC was fast asleep on his back.
This was quite interesting to witness, I kind of feel like a creep watching him; slowly removing myself from the bed. I stretched with a yawn.
I looked to CC to only find him on his side, his eyes partially open looking at me with a soft smile.
I smiled softly. "Hey there." I said in a quiet voice.
CC yawned softly, he slowly sat up then ran a hand through his hair "morning." He said leaning up and placed a kiss on my cheek, smiling softly; I watched as he escaped to the bathroom and soon enough, the shower head was heard.
Getting out of bed, I exited the room to find Jayy and Ashley on the couch, Kayla was laying on the floor with this huge grin plastered on her face looking at her phone; I could already tell just from where I was standing, she was watching Mark.
I smiled softly, I really do hope we go on tour with CC and the others and hopefully Kayla will get to meet Mark.
I walked into the kitchen to only scream seeing what I was witnessing, it was Bethany; only the floor completely unconscious.
It wasn't even ten seconds later when the others were  in the kitchen with wide eyes and worried expressions.
"Call an ambulance." I said walking over to Bethany who just laid there, her chest was barely rising what the hell happened? How long has she been like this?
It took the ambulance fifteen minutes before it got here, CC was holding me in a comforting way and Kayla looked to me worried.
We watched as the ambulance drove away after giving them information, minutes later we were all in Jayy's truck heading to the hospital.

When we got there, I looked around for a nurse; a tall woman with long blonde hair and dark brown eyes walked over to us.
"Hello, can I help you?" She asked.
I looked at her trying not to get teary eyed from the worry I was feeling over my cousin.
"Yes, my cousin Bethany was brought up here not even fifteen minutes, its Bethany Calhoun." I told her.
The nurse nodded before leading us to this room that read 302, it was a waiting room; the nurse looked at me with a soft frown.
"Just wait here, I'll keep you up to date on your cousin, Ms..?" She looked at me.
"Stowe." I told her with my arms crossed.
I sat in the chair next to CC and Kayla frowning, Ashley looked up from his phone to me.
"I just texted Andy to let him know what's up, he said him and the guys will head up here after they get their bags packed." He told me.
I rose a brow with a nod. "Get their bags packed?" I questioned.
Ashley nodded now with a raised brow of his own. "Yeah? Starting tomorrow, we go on tour with a few other bands; CC and Jayy were responsible for asking if you guys were interested in going?" He asked.
CC and Jayy exchanged looks before giving us apologetic looks.
"We were going to bring it up earlier before the accident happened, bringing it up now would of seemed kind of wrong?" CC said.
I smiled softly. "I appreciate the consideration, I want to make sure Beth is fine before I agree with going." I looked to Kayla who gave them a nod. "It sounds like a offer hard to pass up, but I'm with Haley on this; we need to make sure Bethany is fine before we go anywhere." She said
The guys nodded with soft smiles.

Almost one hour later, the doctor and the blonde nurse walked in; the doctor smiled softly when I rose to my feet with worry.
The doctor smiled. "Bethany is going to be fine, she passed out due to her blood sugar; shes awake now in her room." He told me.
I sighed with full relief, I gave CC a quick hug before following the doctor into a room where Bethany was; she was already sitting up looking wide awake. She was eating breakfast with a glass of chocolate milk, I smiled softly looking at her.
"How are you feeling?" I asked.
Bethany swallowed the last piece of egg before looking to me. "Better, I'm sorry I worried you guys." She said with an apologetic expression.
I smiled looking at her. "Its fine, I'm just happy to know you're okay." I said.
Bethany smiled with a nod.

Six hours later of making sure Bethany was going to be okay, we were leaving and heading to a pizzeria called "ITS" It was the best place in Houston to have pizza, I went there years ago with my cousin Riley and it was a blast. There was a rollercoaster, movie threatre and a few other rides.
When we got there, I suddenly felt thirteen again; I kept telling everyone to hurry up.
The doors automatically opened and the smell of pizza and popcorn filled the air, there were more games than the last time I was here. I knew I was eighteen, but I loved being young and having fun.

We did so many things while there, I think I rode the rollercoaster with CC four times while we were there; Ashley played the games with Kayla after she had to explain she was afraid of heights which lead to the zipper joke.
We stayed there until closing and we were back at the apartments, Bethany was asleep on the couch and the guys were outside with us.
CC looked to me curiously as I looked at him. "What is your answer about the tour?" He asked us.
Me and Kayla exchanged looks before looking at them with soft smiles.
"Yes, we will go; it sounds exciting." I said.
CC grinned before pressing his lips to mine. I was happy about this choice, I looked to Kayla who was already smiling; this was it.. This was her chance to finally meet Mark, the question is.. when is the next Comic Con?

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