Part Thirteen

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I walked out of the shower with my towel wrapped around me, I shivered slightly feeling the cold air hit me in the room. CC was already fully dressed, basketball shorts and a dark blue shirt with socks. I rose a brow, walking over to my bag; I grabbed a pair of shorts, tank top and socks then threw my clothes on.
I placed the towel over my head beginning to dry my hair that was soon stopped at the sound of banging on our door.
I paled.
"We got the 'police' surrounded?" I questioned looking to CC who shrugged.
"Oh my god Jayy, its we got the place surrounded. Not we got the police surrounded.." I grinned hearing Dahvie.
"Jayy, you're very special." Said another voice.
I rose a brow before walking over to the door, I opened it to only have my eyes widened seeing Kellin with them.
Jayy examined me with a raised brow, he held the water gun before aiming it at CC.
"You better not have violated my darling angel from the hours we've been away." He said grabbing me into a hugging hold.
CC face palmed as I rolled my eyes.
"Jayy, he hasn't done anything to me. The only one doing any violation here is you." I murmured.
Jayy pouted before looking around.
"Where is Kayla?" He asked.
I moved away from his hold to retreat into CC's who held me in a protective manner.
"I think she went to the pool with Ash-"
"OH HELL NO!" He yelled before running off with Kellin holding the water guns.
I stood there before laughing softly soon joined in by Dahvie and CC.
"There is never a dull moment with these guys.." I said.
"Especially if Ashley and Jayy are involved." CC commented.

I nodded with a grin.
"It's good seeing them act like this though, for the longest; they've been acting stuck up and mature. Until you and Kayla came along, now their being children again. I guess we have you guys to thank for that." Dahvie said.
I looked at him in slight shock. "You're welcome.." I said, Dahvie Vanity just thanked me.. holy shit.. I need to remember to tell Kayla this.
CC looked to me smiling softly. "Want to walk down to the pool? Seems to be where everyone else is." He said.
I looked at him with a nod then looked to Dahvie. "Want to come?" I asked.
Dahvie smiled softly before shaking his head. "No thank you, I have to make a few calls and jump in the shower before tomorrow." He said.
I tilted my head but nodded walking down the hall, hand in hand with CC.

When we made it to the pool, it looked like there was a war literally happening; it was between Jayy, Ashley, Kellin and Vic. The four were having a water gun fight, hiding behind people who were laughing when they got sprayed.
I stood there a bit confused, Kayla was in the hot tub with her eyes closed; I walked over to where my sister was before kneeling down.
"Care to explain this war?" I asked.
Kayla opened her eyes looking to me. "Well, it started out with me and Ashley hanging out in the tub; talking. When all of a sudden, Jayy is breaking down the door with Kellin right behind him and Jayy is shooting Ash with the water gun.. minutes later of yelling, Jayy gives Ash a gun and eventually Kellin and Vic join in on the war.. I was pretty relaxed too." She mumbled.
I laughed softly looking at her then at the guys. "Sounds like quite the fun." I commented.
Kayla rolled her eyes before noticing my clothes.
"You didn't want to swim or anything?" She asked.
I frowned. "Well, the pool wasn't the first thing on my mind.. I was covered in sweat and wanted to be clean." I said.
Kayla pouted before her eyes slightly widened behind me then smiled softly. "I completely understand." She said.
I rose a brow, that sounded a bit forced; fixing to turn around. I squealed being lifted up by Ashley then was being ran to the pool.
"Oh my god no Ashley I just took a shower!" I exclaimed to only have the other laugh.
"Hold your breath party girl!" He yelled before canning ball into the pool with me yelling.

I stood up quick to only have everyone else laughing at the scene, I wiped my wet face before spitting out the pool water that had access in my mouth when I went under.
Ashley came up with his hair all in his face but managed to laugh looking at me.
I rolled my eyes, my clean clothes were dry. My clean hair was now wet from the water, lovely.
I stepped out of the pool to only join Kayla in the tub, I was wet now so it didn't matter anymore.
I yawned softly as Kayla smiled softly.
"Me and Mark have been talking since we left Mexico, its so great." She stated.
I rose a brow looking to her amused. "Have you now? When do you guys plan on meeting back up?" I asked.
Kayla shrugged with a smile. "I have no idea, I'm hoping soon." She said.
I smiled with a nod.
Kayla looked to me. "Happy with CC?" She asked.
I grinned large nodding. "Very happy, I am so glad we met Jayy and the others at Ihop, I'm glad we ran into CC at the phone store and I am so happy we went to the party.. who would of known our lives would turn out like this? To meet famous people and you meeting Mark.. Go figure on the convenience we fell into." I said
Kayla smiled nodding. "I am so happy we decided on Houston and the day we did.. we wouldn't be here with them if we hadn't talked dad into us going and Bethany letting us come over and your mom bring us.. Is this fate? Were we meant to meet these guys?" She asked.
I shrugged looking at her as the bubbles came up.
"I have no idea.. I didn't think we would get so lucky, hell; I'm dating Christian Coma. Drummer of Black Veil Brides, maybe you will get lucky with Mark?" I questioned.
Kayla blushed before looking at the bubbles.
"That would be a dream come true.." She whispered.

"What we walking about over here?" Kellin asked before climbing into the tub with Vic.
I yawned again, jesus I was tired..
Kayla looked to him. "Just girl stuff." She said 
Kellin rose a brow before looking to Vic then grinned.
"Don't take this personal, we've been given orders to take you down." He said and before we knew it; our heads were being shot with cold water.
I groaned softly and Kayla had her pissed yet annoyed smile, she got out of the tub then looked around. I was at her side looking for the punks now.
"Ashley and Jeremy, get your asses over here." I snapped.
"WHOA, WHOA WHOA! Okay, wow." Jayy exclaimed with his hands in the air for surrender, Ashley followed behind with a smile.
They stood in front of us and in front of the pool, we now held the guns aimed at them with grins of our own.
"You're punishment for shooting the innocent is to be shot dead in the chest, where you will fall into the lake of water and suffer slowly." I said.
The guys frowned deeply looking at us.
Kayla grinned. "Payback is a bitch." She said as we fired the water guns hitting them in the chests that sent them into the pool.
They came back up and the room was full of laughter, I glanced to the door; Andy and Dahvie were there holding smiles at the scene that just happened.
I grinned looking to CC who was leaned against the wall with Jinxx.
Kayla looked to me with a smirk.
"What an interesting turn of events." She said.
I smiled with a nod then squealed when I felt my back being pushed along with Kayla's back into the pool.
Yup, this was going to be our lives and who we'd be spending them with.. and the adventure was not even nearly over.

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