Part Fourteen.

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Its been three month's since we became apart of Black Veil Bride's and many other band's lives, it doesn't even seem that long. It was August, and we were in New York for a concert; nothing has changed. Except that Kayla and Mark were now a couple, he asked her in the most cutest way too. They went on a trip to France and during their little boat ride, he offered her a rose then asked her out. She didn't even have to think about it either.
The only sad thing was, Kayla was thinking about returning to Ohio with Mark to spend more time with him, I didn't know how to feel knowing my sister was thinking about parting ways. I couldn't keep her prisoner on the bus though, she was finally happy with the man of her dreams and I was in no way going to keep her from that.
 Me and CC were still going strong and we finally told my dad we were dating, at first; my dad wasn't thrilled about it but my mom had no complaints knowing her daughter was dating one of her idols. My dad told me I was going to be nineteen soon and that he couldn't keep me from being in love, so much has happened and I was beyond happy about this.
My relationship was allowed, my sister was with her crush she's had forever and everything was going good.

"Jake, pass me that napkin." Ashley said laying on the couch.
I watched as the other removed himself from the guitar but stopped at the sound of his phone ringing,
"one sec." He said before answering his phone.
"You know its Ella." I said looking to him.
Ashley sighed removing himself from the couch then went to get a napkin, I felt alone. I forgot to mention, for the past two weeks; Kayla's been on Jayy's bus and I had no female to talk too unless it was through text or call.
I looked to CC who kept looking at his phone, I frowned softly. He hasn't paid much attention to me since this morning when he woke up, he got a message from someone and he told me it was no one to worry about.
I couldn't help BUT worry about it, he wouldn't talk about it and when I tried to pry he got upset and threw his phone on the bunk and started tickling me.
That was five hours ago.

We finally made it to our hotel, and when we got off; I wish in many ways than one we hadn't.
There was a girl with shoulder length light brown hair and hazel eyes at the entrance, she wore a light blue shirt with dark blue jeans and heels.
I looked to CC who was already looking at her, was this the person he's been talking too!?
She was fucking beautiful.
She walked down the stairs and held a large smile looking at CC. I suddenly felt insecure when we approached us.
"Christian." She said with a smile.
CC looked at her and a smile was appearing, oh my god.
"Lauren." He said back, the older female grinned before her arms were wrapping around him in a hugging manner.
I felt my heart shatter, what was this about..
I looked to the guys hoping for a explanation, they all seemed as confused as I did. Tears were burning my eyes, CC looked to me with a smile then to Lauren.
"Haley, this is Lauren." He said to me. Her name suddenly snapped into my mind, this was his ex he dated a while back. They broke up, I wasn't sure on the reasons; but here she was. Hugging him and he was smiling about it.
"Lauren, this is my girlfriend Haley." He said.
I watched the expression change in the woman's face when she looked at me, I frowned softly; I knew we were not going to get along..
Lauren looked back to CC with a smile. "I hope you're doing well and treating this young lady good." She said.
CC rose a brow before nodding with a smile. "Of course, we've been together for three month's." He told her.
Lauren rose a brow then looked to me. "How old are you sweet heart, if you don't mind me asking?" She asked me.
I frowned.
"Lauren don't start this." CC said in a warning tone.
Lauren flashed him a look then looked to me with a smile.
I looked at her. "I'm eighteen." I said.
Lauren nodded then turned to CC with a frown. "You're dating a child?" She asked.

"Oh man, look at the time. We need to get to our hotel room before the concert tonight." Jake said attempting to stop the intense atmosphere.
I mouthed Jake a thank you then looked to CC who took my hand with a nod.
"You're right Jake, we best be on our way. Lauren." He said walking past her.
She turned with a smile.
"I'll see you later Christian." I glared looking to her. "No you won't." I hissed.
Lauren stood there with an offended look as I stopped walking to look at her with pure irritation and already hatred, how dare she comment on our relationship like we were not here.
"Excuse me?" She questioned.
I gave her a dark look, my hand slipping from CC's as I frowned deeply.
"You heard me, I don't care if you're his ex or what you guys were; I am his girlfriend now. I will remain that way, I am highly offended you would wait at this hotel for us to arrive then judge who he dates." I snapped.
Lauren laughed softly, she walked up to me then knelt down to face me.
"Haley was it? Yes. You are a child, he is a grown man; if the cops found out your relation.It would end, why.. you would have Christian put behind bars for dating a minor, in your case; this would be known as statutory rape." She hissed.
I glared. "Actually, we haven't done anything yet; so it wouldn't be considered rape." I snapped.
Lauren smirked.
"Oh really?" She looked at CC grinning. "You must be special if he's been holding out this long for you, why.. when we were together, he couldn't keep his hands off me." She said.
I gave her a dull look.
"I wonder why he broke up with you then?" I asked hearing Jinxx and Ashley snickering at my comment.
Lauren glared. "Sweetie, just know this much.. the moment he gets bored of you; and believe me. He will, he'll come crawling back to me. He has a thing for women who have a clue on what their doing with their lives." She winked before walking away.

I stood there, I was shaking; I felt like I lost this argument. I turned to CC with slight anger looking at him.
"When we get into OUR room, we are going to talk." I said before walking away followed by Ashley and Jinxx.
CC stood there, not too sure what to do; he looked to Andy and Jake for an answer, Jake frowned looking at him.
"You need to do something man, before you lose the one you love over someone who tried ruining your life." He said before walking off.
Andy looked to him frowning. "Come on." He said.

I stood in the elevator with tears burning my eyes.
"Was Lauren like that around Sammi or any other girls?" I asked.
Jinxx rose a brow looking at me. "Lauren is the type of girl to try to make other girls jealous, she tried to flirt with me but Sammi nearly killed her with my guitar. She's had this attachment toward CC though, and her calling him Christian just sounds weird to me. She isn't going to get in between you guys, there's no way in hell we'll let it happen." He said as the elevator dinged.
I frowned softly.
"What happens if CC gets bored of me like she said? What then.." I murmured.
I tensed being gently pushed into the hallway wall by Ashley who frowned deeply looking at me.
"You stay on tour with us? You're our friend, and if I know CC; he will not get bored of you. I'm sure he wanted to run after you, but after that scene in the lobby.. It's obvious you needed space, there is no way Lauren is taking him from you and he will never get bored of you." He told me, his thumb brushed under my eye as I forced a smile.

I sat in mine and CC's room, he sat next to me frowning softly.
"Listen Haley.." He began.
I frowned feeling tears. "I don't want to lose you." I whispered.
CC's head whipped toward me with worry and concern. "What!? No, Haley! What happened earlier, that was my fault.. not talking to you today was my fault too.. I had no idea she was going to be here, I wasn't smiling because I saw here; I was smiling because I knew I upgraded by a long shot comparing you two together, me and Lauren.. we only lasted for a month it seemed, hell I wasn't keeping count. She kept asking me to give her money and to buy her shit, she was out of line calling our relationship out like that. Haley, I am in love with you." He told me as I looked at him frowning deeply.
"Then who were you so focused on today with your phone..?" I asked.
CC gave me an apologetic look.
"It was meant to be a surprise, I've been talking to Kayla about this; so she's partially to blame. I got you a present, but we can't get him until we return to Las Angeles.." He murmured.
Suddenly, all concern and worry left me about that bitch; I looked at CC with an raised brow.
"We can't get 'him'?" I questioned.
CC pouted. "I got you a puppy.." He told me, my eyes grew wide.
I cracked a smile, that lead to me laughing until I was crying; I held a pillow to my face as this carried on.
I looked at CC who sat there looking at me.
"I thought you were going to leave me for her." I told him.
CC rose a brow before pinning me to the bed with a soft smile. "I would never leave you for her or anyone, I am madly deeply in love with you Haley; you have no idea. I will never get bored of you, I will never abandon you or anything; all I ask is that you never do the same." He told me.
I smiled softly.
"Don't be stupid Coma, I'd never leave you.." I said as he pressed his lips to mine.
So this was love.. what a crazy ass feeling this was.

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