Part Four

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I stood at the entrance with Kayla at my side while Bethany got us a table, I was standing there in full disbelief; Blood on the Dance Floor was in Ihop! Shakily, I began to tug on Kayla's shirt who swatted me away from annoyance.

"What is it now?" She asked looking to me before her eyes grew wide and she now, stood there in disbelief looking at the way I was.
"Bro..." She began, I wasn't sure what to do; there were many options. Scream, faint, squeal, tackle them all; cry.
"Do you guys see any tables you want to sit at?" Bethany asked us, I needed to play this off cool; not fangirl and scare everyone off. Clearing my throat, I pointed to the table behind the bands.
Kayla looked to me as if I were crazy, I was completely crazy; the further we got to their table. The more harder it was for me to remain calm, when we took a seat; the waitress bounced up to us with a cheerful smile. "Here are your menu's, what can I start you three off with for drinks?" She asked, she was a pretty girl. Long curly brown hair, light blue eyes; pale. She kept glancing to Jayy and Dahvie, trying to contain her blush.
"Coffee." Bethany told her.
I shoved my face in the menu before looking at her. "M-milk.." I stuttered then instantly face palmed when the girls looked at me in confusion.
Kayla looked to the waitress calm enough not to stutter. "Orange juice please." She said
The waitress nodded then vanished.
I frowned deeply trying to act natural; why the hell did I even make us sit here? I'm such an idiot.
I tensed when I saw Haley Rose and Sally Stitches walking out of the bathroom then rejoined the guys, just when I thought this night couldn't get any better. It did.

"They didn't give us enough napkins." I heard Jayy finally announce, I glanced to the table next to us then our full stack of napkins. Clearing my throat, don't fuck up, don't you dare do this. You make yourself look like a idiot, you're going to make your sister and cousin look like ones too.
"We have extras if you need some." I said through a rushed voice.
Kayla looked to me with wide eyes that read, did you really just announce that? I swallowed when I heard shuffling and before I knew it Jayy was at our table looking at us with a tired expression but held a smile.
"Thanks." He said reaching for the napkins I grabbed then handed him.
"You're Jayy Von Monroe." Kayla stated now as Jayy glanced to her before grinning.
"Are you girls fans?" He asked gaining the rest of the band's attention now.
The two of us nodded, I finally managed to calm down now.
"Its kind of ironic.. we'll be seeing you guys at Warped Tour in two days." I said taking a drink of my milk.
Jayy rose a brow before taking a seat at our table, immediately my heart began to race; screw being calm at this point.
"Oh? Anyone in specific you're going to see?" He asked.
Kayla glanced to me, she figured it was her turn to talk now because I was very close to passing the fuck out from this.
"Haley is going to see her idols, Black Veil Brides," she began as Jayy looked to her interested.
"I heard that Avenged Sevenfold was going to be there for the first time and didn't want to pass this up." She said.
Jayy rose a brow before nodding. "I see." He said.
"Do you guys live in Houston?" I heard Sally ask now removing herself from the other table to join ours; this was not happening. This was seriously not happening.
I shook my head with a soft smile. "No sadly, we're just staying with our cousin until the concerts end; unless we decide to move up here." I said, Kayla and Bethany looked to me in question but I ignored it.
Sally grinned. "That's pretty awesome, wait... hey! Are you the Haley that sent us those pictures of the drawings and art you made for us through facebook?" She asked me.
Jayy looked to me with slight wide eyes, Dahvie raised a brow from his table then motioned Haley Rose to follow him to join our table now.
Well, aren't we the popular bunch tonight....
I slowly nodded that only made Sally's grin grow wider. "Aww!! This is so cool, I always wanted to thank you in person for the pictures you sent me, they were always adorable and really good." She said smiling.
I felt heat rush to my cheeks before smiling softly.
Jayy looked to me with interest now. "So, you're a drawer?" He asked me.
"Jayy, don't just make assumptions." Dahvie hissed before looking to me.
I smiled softly. "Its okay, yes. I do draw, but I am more of a writer; I love to write." I said
Haley smiled looking to me with an amused expression. "Ever write songs or poems?" She asked, I swallowed softly. "I've tried too, I guess they turn out okay; but I wouldn't say their good enough for famous people." I murmured.
Jayy looked at me then pulled out his phone after feeling it buzz in his pocket.
"You guys are pretty calm, compared to most of our fans." Dahvie said with a soft smile.
Kayla looked to him. "Well, most fans are pretty crazy and I don't believe me or my sister would scream or try to tackle you guys." She said.
Really? Didn't I think that in the beginning and here Kayla was, making it sound like a really bad idea; this made me want to vanish from the embarrassment I was feeling.
Dahvie chuckled softly earning a soft blush to form on Kayla's cheeks before she took a long drink of her orange juice.
Jayy glanced to me before typing a message on his phone then passed it to me.
{"I know this is going to sound weird, well.. not sound due to the fact; I am not talking lol. But, can I have your number? You guys seem pretty cool, and knowing we'll see you at Warped Tour would be pretty great."} I looked at the words with wide eyes, a famous guy wanted my number? No!! Jayy Von Monroe wanted my number, holy shit...
Exiting out of his memo app, I went to his phone to type in my number then saved it to his contacts; handing him his phone, I couldn't help but smile at this.
For the remainder of our night, we all hung out at Ihop eating a mixture of pancakes, sausages and waffles plus a side of eggs. Jayy wanted the eggs.
The night went pretty great and when we said our goodbyes to the band, I knew right away; this was going to be more than exciting and fun while we stay in Houston. We were friends with BOTDF and we haven't even went to Warped Tour yet.
Maybe moving to Houston wouldn't be such a bad idea... I'll need to talk to Kayla and Bethany more about it when we get home.
Until then, I can only hope this turns out for the better for all of us.

"Move to Houston?" Kayla repeated sitting on the couch next to Bethany while I sat on the floor watching Celty run around in the room, I nodded looking at them.
"Yeah? I mean Kayla, we finally have our own lives to live now; and I'm sure Bethany could use the company." I stated.
Bethany looked to me with a raised brow. "Are you suggesting I am a lonely girl who has no life and barely any friends so I stay in doors all the time?" She asked me.
Kayla and I exchanged looks before looking to our cousin. "Beth, you pretty much just summed up mine and Kayla's lives.." I told her with a raised brow.
Bethany sat there before her eyes grew wide. "I'M A LOSER OH MY GOD!" She yelled.
Puffing out my cheeks, I glared. "Hey, rude." I said.
Bethany looked to us with an apologetic look. "Sorry, but. I don't mind if you guys move in with me; there is plenty of room and space, you just need to talk to your parents or at least let them know about your intentions." She murmured.
I grinned looking at her. "Beth, have I ever told you that you're my favorite cousin?" I asked
Bethany only rolled her eyes.
Kayla chuckled. "Suck up." She stated.
Rolling my eyes now, I grinned softly. "We will talk to them in the morning about this." I told her.
I knew this was going to best our best decision, I could just feel it.

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