Part Three

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When I woke up, all I heard was yelling; I turned over my on side to see Kayla constantly pacing back and forth on her forth with a rather upset expression. Frowning deeply, I was still trying to figure out why the sun was still a circle and not a square; rubbing my eye, I watched as tears burned her eyes.
"I can't keep doing this, you keep getting mad at me when I do things I want too; but the moment you do something its okay. This isn't fair on me, I keep trying to remain strong and happy but with you... Buddy, this isn't working anymore. I know we have been dating for a long time now, but with you constantly hating and being mean about me liking Mark! I am sorry I love him, but I will not stop what I enjoy just because you're jealous! If you seriously loved me, you wouldn't keep pulling the same shit. You would be fine with it.." I removed myself from the bed then walked over to Celty's cage while Kayla continued her argument with Buddy, I seriously hope she just breaks up with the asshole; I don't care how long they've been together. The way that guy treats her sickens me.
"No Buddy, do not fucking go there. Do not! Yes, I loved you and maybe one day I can again; but now.. Buddy, we need a break- don't yell at me! I am trying to be strong about what I am doing, I have no control over my life when you're in it, you get mad at me, controlling, mean and you're too much on me right now.. I want to break up. Just for a while, I need to live my life for a while and see what we can do to change this.." She stood there as her hazel eyes began to fill with tears that soon began to fall, I walked over to her in a small pace as she turned away.
"What are you saying? You don't want to get back together with me if we break up? Fine, do what you want. I give up!" She snapped throwing her phone on the bed then stormed out of the room; I frowned walking after her. She was on the back porch, sitting on the steps with her face buried in her knees; I frowned walking outside to only feel the wind blowing. I took a seat next to her, then brought her into a hug. "Its going to be okay.." I murmured.
Kayla sniffled before wiping her eyes then looked to me. "How is any of this going to be okay? Did I really do the right thing about break up with him..?" She questioned.
I looked to her with a sympathetic look before nodding. "Yes Kayla, he was an asshole; you were not happy with him and you were too blind to really notice it. You did the right thing, because you're free." I told her then glanced to the door that opened to reveal my mom with a raised brow in Kayla's direction, I shook my head in response. She nodded before looking over her shoulder then back to us.
"Do you want cinnamon rolls with your brother?" She asked.
Kayla glanced up, her eyes weren't as red as I thought they would be which was a rather good thing.
"Cinnamon rolls..?" She questioned then looked to me, I smiled softly pulling her up to her feet then brought her back inside after a long hug then entered the living room.

I stared at the cinnamon roll for the longest minute before taking  a bite; like always. They were sweet; taking a long drink of milk. I smiled at the roll, despite the sweetness; I found them adorable. It was weird I know.
I glanced to our dad and my mom for a minute before sighing; it was now or never.
"Hey, you guys?" I began grabbing both Kayla's and Jace's  attention as well.
"What do you want?" Our dad asked looking at his phone.
I frowned then sighed.
"I'm thinking about talking to Bethany and seeing if it will be okay if me and Kayla come stay with her for a while." I said.
My mom looked at me with a questionable look. "Whats with this all of a sudden? I mean, I'm perfectly fine with it; being that you're eighteen now and can do what you want." She said.
I frowned looking at my plate then sat it aside.
"Well, the answer was pretty obvious; we were going to stay with her so we could go to Warped Tour." I said.
My mom sighed. "Haley, you have no money. How exactly are you going to get there?" She questioned.
"Well I was going to a-
"Does your cousin know you're coming over?" Our dad asked now.
"Not yet, I have to call her in a bit." I told him.
Our dad nodded before looking back at his phone. "Call her and I will give you both some money." He told us.
Our eyes grew wide as I pulled out my phone and escaped to the back porch followed by Kayla.
I listened to the phone ring until it was finally picked up.
"Hello? Bethany?" I began then listened to her excited greetings to hear from me.
I smiled before explaining everything that has happened then asked about the idea of us coming to stay with her for a while.
"You're okay with it? Holy crap, Bethany thank you!" I exclaimed.
"When will we be over? Today, if possible.. would that be okay?" I asked then grinned when she said yes.
After the discussion ended, I ran into the living room and looked at my parents. "Please, take us to Houston." I practically begged.
"Today?" My mom asked with a raised brow.
I nodded looking at her. "Please mom..." I looked at her.
She sighed before looking to my dad then back to me. "Go get yours and Kayla's stuff packed and we will leave shortly." She told me as I squealed then ran into my room followed by Kayla.

It took us nearly thirty minutes to figure out what to bring, well most of those minutes were us discussing everything we would do at Bethany's; she lived in a apartment complex, there was a pool there so that was always an a plus.
An hour later, we were on the road heading to Bethany's; Celty was in her carrier cage going with us. That was one thing we had to agree on was bringing my bunny, I had no problem with it either; she was my baby from heaven and I was more than happy to take her with us.

When we arrived at Bethany's, she was already outside waiting for us.
She hasn't changed a bit in looks, still long blonde hair; beautiful blue eyes and a tall and skinny figure. She could pass off as an model if she tried.
After my mom and Bethany talked for a while, she gave me one last hug then took her leave; I frowned softly watching her drive away. I wasn't a kid anymore, I couldn't call for her to come get me if something went down. We were all young adults now.
We walked inside, and the inside was beautiful; there was a flat screen in the living room, video games stacked on a bookshelf with movies. Three bedrooms, two bathrooms. A nice sized kitchen, a wonderful view and a small study. The apartment was a great size for the three of us.
Bethany told me she would take us out tonight for her treat; at first we wanted to decline but when she suggested Ihop, we were more than happy about it.
All we did for the remainder of the day was just sat back and talked about what we've been up too, Kayla brought up Buddy and their break up which only caused her to cry again, I sighed softly.
It was seven when we all climbed into Bethany's car then drove off, I haven't been to Houston in a while. I was more than happy to be back now knowing I was going to Warped Tour with Kayla and getting to finally meet my idols.
When we made it to Ihop, we all crawled out and entered the restaurant. The smell of syrup and sausage filled the air which only made my stomach growl, I looked around before I froze dead in my tracks at who I saw sitting at the table on the left side of the restaurant.
Blood On The Dance Floor.

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