Part Twelve

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Tossing and turning.. It was hot, why was it so hot in here? I woke up in cold sweat looking around, there was no one on the bus; panic took over me. Getting to my feet, I removed myself from the bunk and ran to a window.
I froze, everyone was outside; including Mark. They were all standing there looking at the bus, I began coughing when the smoke started to get thicker. I ran over to the door to only find out it wouldn't open, I began to bang on it which only caused the group to laugh at my struggle. Wide eyes full of terror and tears, I looked for a heavy object then through it against the door to only have it do nothing.
I watched as Mark knelt next to Kayla whispering something to her then earning her to laugh pointing at me, the guys ended up doing the same thing.
I screamed when fire began to spark up on the bus, the smoke was intense and I couldn't get out; everything was hot. I was burning.
"IT HURTS!" I screamed tears streaming down my cheeks, no one was doing anything except just standing there and watching.
The windows, exit and doors wouldn't budge; why was this happening!?
I ran back over to the door to see CC stand there with a frown, he turned his back to me as my eyes grew wide in disbelief.
"NO! CC COME BACK COME HELP ME KAYLA, ASHLEY!!" I screamed then cried out feeling ashes hit my shoulders.
I fell to my knees in front of them with a pained expression looking at them, I closed my eyes as tears escaped, I was going to die..
"HALEY GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I heard CC yell.
My eyes snapped open to find CC running towards the bus door then slamming himself against it, nothing.
My hands slammed against the glass door looking at him in fear.
"I'm going to die, CC I'm going to die!" I screamed.
CC shook his head frowning deeply.
"You're not going to die! Haley, you need to wake up." He yelled.
I frowned deeply with tears in my eyes. "I am awake!" I yelled as he put his hands on the door to be where mine where. He looked at me.
"Wake up Haley." He said.
I began to shake my head as the fire began to fall, I screamed when Andy and Jake grabbed CC and the bus made this sound; I looked over my shoulder to see fire racing my way from the back of the bus; my eyes grew wide.

"NO!!!" I screamed sitting up fast in bed, my heart racing fast; lights were coming on and CC was turning to me with worry.
"Haley??" He asked.
I looked to him as sweat rolled down my body, my breathing hadn't slowed down since I woke up. Tears escaped and everyone was at our bunk, CC brought me into a hold; his hands stroking my hair as he told me to calm down and to breathe.
I frowned deeply, I clung onto his arm before looking to everyone else who held worried expressions; I let out a shaky breath looking at them.
"S-sorry.." I murmured.
Andy looked at me frowning softly. "Do you need some air?" He asked.
Not even thinking about my answer fully, I looked at him with a nod.
Andy nodded walking up front to tell Jon to pull over.
That dream, it felt so real..
When we pulled over, I climbed out; then ran my hands through my hair. I was still shaking, I jumped at the feeling of arms around my waste; I looked over to CC there with a worried expression.
"Are you okay..?" He asked me.
I nodded looking at him. "Y- yeah.. just a nightmare is all.. I didn't mean to wake all of you." I said looking at him.
CC frowned softly. "Want to talk about it?" He asked.
I shrugged, I took a seat on the hill of grass; my knees to my chest as I held them there.

"It was about fire.. I woke up to find everyone gone, when I went to look for you guys.. you were all outside looking at the bus, I kept yelling for help and no one would help me.. You.." I looked at him with tears in my eyes, "turned your back on me.. then you raced over and kept telling me to wake up.. I wouldn't listen and then Andy and Jake pulled you away from the bus.. It was going to explode, but I woke up.." I said through a shaky breath.
CC frowned looking at me. "I would never turn my back on you, you know that right?" He asked me.
I gave off a weak smile but managed to nod.
He smiled softly, leaning over he pressed his lips to mine as I sighed softly.
"I need a shower.." I whispered.
CC laughed softly nodding. "We all do, last thing we want is the bus smelling like dirty gym socks." He said.
I scrunched my nose in disgust but managed to laugh. "That would smell horrible." I told him.
CC laughed now.

We got back on the bus and CC looked to Andy. "Please tell me you're in the mood for a shower." He said.
Andy rose a brow as Ashley gave off a deep sigh with relief that was more of a cheerful sigh.
"Fucking finally, someone says something." He announced.
Kayla rose a brow holding a bottle of water, "why didn't you say anything?" She asked.
Ashley looked at her. "Well.. cause, none of the guys ever mention they need a shower unless a girl is on board." He said in a deep confident voice.
Me and Kayla exchanged looks before laughing. "That's pretty gross." We said in unison.
Ashley and the guys all grinned when we pulled into a hotel, it was one of those big ones that looks over eight stories tall...
Damn rich people having to get expensive hotels just to shower in.
Andy looked to us. "We'll stay here for a few nights, how are the rooms going? Share, separate? Help me out." He said.
We all looked to each other.
Ashley grabbed Kayla in his hold. "I'm claiming Kayla as my roommate." He said.
Kayla paled but rolled her eyes with a smile.
Andy rose a brow. "So, pairs then?" He asked.
I smiled knowing I would have my room with CC and no one else.

After sorting out who would be room mating with who, it was finally sorted. Jake and Jinxx, Me and CC, Kayla and Ashley and Andy with Jon.
We walked into the hotel with luggage's, the woman at the desk looked up with a bored look that soon lightened up seeing the guys; I rolled my eyes with annoyance. Everyone woman is this way when they see the guys, yes they're famous, yes one is my boyfriend. Get the hell over yourselves, I knew I was cranky with the attitude I was feeling already.
The lady kept passing looks to CC and I knew this was not going to end well, I glared at her before grabbing his hand to pull him down then pressed my lips to his. When my eyes opened, she looked at me in disgust, I only grinned.

Me and CC walked into our room and I grinned at the view, we were in part of Las Vegas and the view we had was beautiful.
I looked to CC amused. "I like our hot-
"What was that about in the lobby?" He asked with his arms crossed, he looked serious.
I frowned looking at him. "That woman kept looking at you and I-
"You got jealous over a woman looking at me?" He asked.
I glared softly. "Well yeah? You are MY boyfriend and I-
"Haley.." CC looked at me with his arms crossed, he held a frown that turned to a grin.
"That was fucking adorable." He said tackling me onto the bed.
I laughed softly looking at him.
CC smirked. "I've never seen you jealous before, that was pretty interesting; don't let her get to you though." He told me.
I nodded before escaping his hold then grabbed some clothes, I looked to him with a smile.
"Shower." I stated.
CC rose a brow looking at me before smiling. "Are you inviting me to join?" He asked.
I rose a brow, placing my hand on my hip. "Am I Mr. Coma?" I asked before laughing when he chased me into the bathroom.

Ashley yawned sitting on the floor, he looked to Kayla with a raised brow.
"Wanna go get in the hot tub?" He asked in a bored tone.
Kayla looked up from her book with a raised brow. "Is it inside? Because if its outside, then nah." She said flipping the page.
Ashley pouted before removing himself from the floor then walked over to the door.
"Its inside." He told her.
Kayla looked to the door, book marking where her spot was; she grabbed a towel then walked into the bathroom earning Ashley to laugh which only made her laugh.

Jake looked up from his guitar watching Jinxx fiddle with his own guitar.
"Think the guys are already at the main hotel?" He asked.
Jinxx shrugged messing with the top two cords then looked to Jake.
"No idea, do you think the pool is still open?" He asked.
Jake shrugged looking at him before placing his guitar down.
"Only one way to find out, right?" He asked.
Jinxx grinned grabbing two towels then walked out followed by Jake.

Andy was sprawled out on his bed, his face buried in his pillow.
"I miss my white rabbit.." He murmured.
Jon looked up from his lap top, adjusting his glasses he cleared his throat.
"I am sure she misses her dragon fly too." He said.
Andy's head perked up looking to Jon.
"I'm going to go call her." He said removing himself from the bed.
Jon rose a brow. "For the billionth time?" He asked.
Andy smirked before nodding.
"Hell yeah." He said before leaving the room.

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