Chasing Chances ♥

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Previously titled: The Way I Used To Be.


"My heart might be bruised, but it will recover and see the beauty of life once more. It happened before, it will happen again. I'm sure. When someone else leave. It's because someone else is about to arrive. I'll find love again."

- Paul Coelho



Chasing Chances © Writinginnosense


Everything was meant to change, it's either you accept it or you'll die of ignorance.

Nothing's really permanent in this world, cliché, I know, but that's the truth.

When I was younger, I want to be the girl worthy of being a princess, you can't blame me, Cinderella and Aurora have given me so much to hope for, like someday, I'm going to be a damsel in distress or I'll just sleep and wait for my prince charming to come by.

I can always tell you lies, you know. Like saying that mine was a perfect love story. It's easy like that. But it's not, I can sugar coat it but it would be too sweet for my liking.

In this day of age, I realized that Cinderalla stories made me hope for so much, or even for that matter, they made me too hopeful for love being this young. Ahh, young love.

But you know, choices make us who we are. And our choices and the choices of people around us might affect us for a day or even just a month, but some choices can affect us for the rest of our lives.

Those popular fairytale stories, I was wondering, if the author made the wrong choice on how the story would go, would everyone wished for a happy ending, like I do?

What if the glass shoe fit not only to Cinderella? But to many ladies? And unfortunately, before the prince came to fit the shoe to her, it has been fitted for someone else?

What if Aurora after being woken up by a true love's kiss, fell in love with someone else, that there's something truer than the kiss that woke her?

What if the princess that was kissed by a prince wasn't Snow White? What if it was the wicked witch pretended to be Snow White?

What if Ariel was caught by the prince before she could get feet and be killed?

What if the Beast even if he's already kissed never turned into a handsome prince and the curse were irrevocable?

Well, I'll never know because the choices made were different.

The chance to made a different choice was forgone.

So what am I really saying?

There's a lot of chances possible that might have happened to a single story but they only picked one.

Sometimes, there's only one chance in your life that can't be granted for the second time around so you have to made the right choices because you'll never know when will this chance fall into your hand again.

Now I have a chance to make a choice, and my choice is...



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