Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

OH. MY. FREAKING. NOODLES. I’ve never been in so much pain in my entire life! Yes, you guessed it a month has gone too flipping fast and now three hours into labour I want a sex change and this mini me out of me! Honest to god I feel like giving up, I’ve had oxygen for the last hour and Nathan’s hand to squeeze to death for three, but nothing and I repeat nothing is taking the pain away.

I’ve cried, I’ve laughed, even wailed numerous times since I’ve been laying here on this uncomfortable hospital bed in a gown that quite frankly stinks. My ankles are swollen though I can’t actually see them because of my hippo of a stomach, my hair is piled on the top of my head in a messy bun, I’m sweating and I have no make-up on whatsoever, basically I look like complete rubbish, but it was one of the last things on my mind at the minute.

“Nathan! Do something!” I shouted as another contraction took place, I squeezed his hand so tightly he flinched slightly “like what?” he asked looking lightly stressed, at that moment I felt no sympathy for him whatsoever. “I don’t know! Anything! Sing! Ah!” he looked at the nurse who just shrugged while watching the machine strapped to my stomach. She’d told me everything was going alright and what I was going through was completely normal. Even though she was really nice I wanted to yell to her to get our baby out. Labour wasn’t at all how I imagined it, I’m not sure what I thought it would be like but definitely not this!

Kiss me like you want to be loved, like you want to be loved” He began singing the tune to Ed Sheeran’s ‘Kiss Me’ but I shook my head. “I need something uplifting, not a ballad Nath!” I probably sounded like a right snob but he nodded understanding that he wasn’t going through what I was right now, he was completely helpless and could only do what I asked. “Shake it, shake it, and we’re moving again, been a long time coming for the working man, so shake it, shake it, and we’re moving again, when the money is high, we can start to spend” Nathan began singing to Imagine Dragon’s ‘Working Man’, he knew that at the minute I’ve been listening them a lot and it definitely helped hearing him sing that. He carried on singing, it became a slight distraction to what was going on with me.

My water had broken in the middle of the night, Nath thought I’d wet the bed (how nice of him right?) but then as soon as I told him what it was he started panicking. While I put some sweats on Nath grabbed the baby bag and ran down to get the car ready. I soon found myself on the way to the hospital feeling surprisingly calm. That was until the contractions started on the slip road close to the hospital, Nathan freaked out completely when he saw me hunch over clutching my stomach and pulled over on the side of the road turning to me panicking. I had to reassure him about what it was saying this was what happened and he soon got on the road again and safely to the hospital. I was ushered into a room where I had to change into the gown, and that’s where I am three hours later.

About an hour into labour Nath had texted almost his whole address book telling them I was in labour, the waiting room outside now consisted of both our sets of parents, Jay and Megan, Siva and Nareesha, Tom and Kelsey, Max and Michelle, and even Jayne, Big Kev and Martin. They waited patiently stuffing their selves with coffee and muffins while I was laying here in the worst pain I’d ever felt in my life.

“Alright when you start to feel the next contraction I want you to push okay? Push for as long and hard as you can manage okay?” The nurse said and I nodded clutching Nathan’s hand further, this was it, it was really happening. After everything our baby was coming.


The next half an hour was a bit of a blur, half of it was full of pain the other with excitement that I was about to become a mother and Nathan a father. All I remember was pushing, squeezing Nathan’s hand, and then the most beautiful sound I think I’ve ever heard, a baby’s cry. “Oh my gosh” I heard Nathan cry, “Lauren you’re amazing” he whimpered in almost a cry, kissing my forehead and glancing over to our bundle of joy the nurse was currently wiping down. “Congratulation on your son” as soon as the words left the nurses mouth tears of joy ran down my cheeks, my vision blurred as she handed him to me. I had a son. We had a son. Looking down at him I could see already he had Nathan’s nose, it made the tears run down my face faster as Nathan watched us with a proud smile. “Nathan we’ve got a son!” I laughed looking down at the tiny figure in my arms, he was really here!

“Do you want me to go and let your friends know in the waiting area?” the nurse asked and I nodded. Babba had his tiny little fingers wrapped around Nathan’s thumb, it was one of the cutest things I think I’d ever seen. Father and son.

“Lauren oh my gosh congratulations!” My mum gushed rushing past everyone to my bedside, she kissed me on the cheek before looking down at Babba. “He’s beautiful” she whispered, that was one proud grandmother. The boys congratulated Nathan with one of those pat on the back things, a few jokes were made but they kept their voices down not that there was a new-born laying peacefully asleep in my arms. “Nathan he has your nose!” Megan squealed pointing, that caught everyone’s attention, soon enough they were all pointing out features that were similar to either Nathan or I (apparently he had my hair colour), we had to wait for his eyes to open before we could say whose eyes he had – secretly I hoped they were the colour of Nathan’s since his were hypnotic. Nathan’s dad was taking lots of photos while my dad joked he was getting old being a grandfather. Max insisted that they would all be his uncles and the girls his aunts – I nodded totally agreeing, they would be the only uncles he had – and great ones at that.

“Can I just say something please?” Nathan exclaimed raising his voice slightly so everyone stopped at turned to face him, I glanced away from Babba’s tiny features to look at Nath. “Go for it dad” Tom joked, Nath rolled his eyes before clearing his voice. “Well first I just want to say that after almost four hours, Lauren you’re a super girl! But the outcome is so worth it” he winked, I felt like we should all have wine glasses to toast or something. “Secondly, thanks for putting up with us for the past year, you guys have helped us so much” he smiled at everyone in the room, I glanced down at Babba, it felt so surreal! “And thirdly, Lauren this is for you” and then he did the most amazing thing. He crouched down on one knee pulling something out his pocket, Nathan’s dad must have been filming the whole thing because I saw the camera pointing in our direction, almost the whole room gasped (including me) no-one was expecting it, certainly not me.

“Lauren Fleming, you have made me so happy since the day I met you at that football match all those years ago. I can’t imagine my life without you, we’ve had our moments, but I have, and always will love you. It seems the perfect time having everyone here, and our son, that I ask you this important question. Will you marry me?” Tears were spilling down my cheeks once again, how did this happen? A son and a proposal on the same day? It had to go down in the history books as being the most memorable and amazing day ever.

“Nathan I don’t know how to say this…” I cut of pausing, his smile flickered and I think everyone else held their breath waiting to hear what I had to say. “Of course I’ll marry you, you’re an idiot to think I wouldn’t!” I laughed, he let out a whoop of relief as everyone else whistled and clapped around us. I managed to move my hand enough for him to slide the ring into place before his lips met mine. We were interrupted not by one of the boys, but by the cry of the tiny baby in my arms. My son. Our son.

A/N – I loved writing this chapter so much! What do you think, comment, fan, vote and I’ll see you next Friday! Oh and two chapters left L

I’m going to an audience with The Wanted in June, so freaking excited I might get to meet them again! Whoop, and I’m officially 18 and college free, exciting times! :D x

P.S. The Imagine Dragons song Working Man is at the side if you want to check it out :)

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