Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

By the time me and Nathan walked into the clinic for the scan butterflies swarmed in my stomach, I think it being the first time I was scared they were going to say everything that could go wrong had. Nathan signed us both in and drew circles on the back of my hand as we sat in the waiting room calming me down slightly. Other couples, some more pregnant than others, smiled happily clutching their stomachs where the baby was, it was both a nice sight and a nerving one too.

We were waiting for about five minutes until some called our names, I still got giddy when I heard mine and Nathan’s together. I don’t know what I would be like if we ever got married. “Alright if you want to lie on the bed” the nurse said to me, she smiled noticing how nervous I was. I gave my bag to Nathan and he stood on the opposite side of her holding my hand, I loved knowing he was here for me.

“Okay so I’ll just run through a few things before we do the scan to make sure both you and the baby are okay, is this your first?” she asked, I nodded and she smiled before grabbing a file and writing a few things down. “Alright I’m just going to feel your stomach” she put some gloves on and I lifted my tee up revealing my bare stomach, showing off the small bump. Once she had done that she put stethoscope against my stomach to listen to the babies heartbeat, she said even though the machine picked it up too she liked to do both just to double check. When she heard it she smiled and said everything sounded okay, I let a few butterflies escape and smiled.

“Alright I’m going to put some gel on your stomach, it might be a bit cold” she warned me, I nodded still holding my breath slightly as I waited to see our little creation. Just like she said the gel was pretty cold, I flinched slightly and Nathan chuckled under his breath as he watched. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to the screen where the black and white picture began to form. After a few seconds of moving the scanner thing across my stomach she smiled, “Alright everything seems to be looking good, at the minute you’re about 14 weeks along, would you like to know the sex of the baby?” me and Nathan glanced at each other and we both shook our head, “no we want it to be a surprize” the nurse laughed understanding. Before we left she gave us the folder with all my notes, photos of the scan, and a due date before telling us when we should make the next appointment, we thanked her and went to reception booking another appointment for a months’ time.

“I think I was holding my breath the whole time” I admitted as Nathan took my hand and led me to the car, he burst out laughing not able to say anything for a few minutes until he regained his composure. “I could tell, you sort of went a bit pale until she said everything was okay then your colour started to come back” I nudged him but couldn’t help but smile, when we got in the car the first thing I did was pull out the photo from the scan. I sat there looking at it, amazed that the tiny little peanut shape was a baby growing inside of me. Nathan looked over my shoulder too; it was my turn to laugh when he said he had no idea what he was looking at. To be fair you couldn’t really tell it was a baby, let alone that it was growing inside of me.

“I really want to take you out to dinner right now to celebrate, but I’ve got to meet the boys at the airport. So instead we’ll have to grab a bite from the airports Starbucks or something” I put the photo away safely not wanting to lose or ruin it, “sounds like a plan” with that Nathan put the car into reverse and backed out until we were on the way to the airport. Even though their flight wasn’t due to leave for a few hours they had to be there early.

The fans never failed to disappoint the boys, while they met them I went with the other girls who had also come to see them off to sit down on some chairs nearby. I showed them the picture of the scan and tey giggled and squealed along with me, we must have looked like a right bunch of idiots because when I looked over at the boys they were all watching along with the fans in amusement, I was pretty sure Siva was pointing the flip in our direction too.

A good fifteen minutes later, after all the fans had been given hugs they came over to join us. The first thing they wanted to do was look at the picture of their ‘niece’ or ‘nephew’ and just like Nathan they looked at it like it was an alien or something. “Are you sure that’s a baby and not just a picture of the moon’s surface or some, thing?” Max asked, I laughed at his comment and Michelle playfully hit him on the arm. “Are you dissing my baby?” Nathan argued trying to look like the bigger man, Max turned to him and stroked his ear before whispering “I would never do that to you baby” we all laughed including Nathan, though he was doing his best to keep a straight face. “Alright I think that’s my queue to go and get some lunch with Lauren, we’ll see you in a bit” the others decided to mimic him which earned them a roll of the eyes, Nathan took my hand and led me to Starbucks as promised.

“I swear we have a thing for Starbucks” I said thinking about the many times we’d been before, “who doesn’t” Nathan said and I nodded as it was kind of true. Even if you didn’t like coffee they still sold lots of other drinks, such as hot chocolate which I was craving for. “What would you like?” Nathan asked when we got to the counter, I looked at the toasties finding one that looked appealing before saying I would also like a hot chocolate, Nathan nodded and told me to go and find a seat.

I picked a table tucked away in the corner; it wasn’t so much that I didn’t want to be swarmed by fans if they saw us; it just looked like a nice place to sit. I shook my head thinking I sounded a bit too much like an old woman; I put my bag on the floor next to me and watched as Nathan got the order. I wasn’t going to be one of those people that framed the picture of the scan so the whole world could see; I liked it just being intimate so just our friends and family would see it. I’m pretty sure our baby would have enough attention when he/she was born, and there was no need to start now.

The tuna melt smelt heavenly when Nathan sat it in-front of me along with the hot chocolate, my mouth almost watered at the sight and I soon stuck in sipping the hot chocolate when it was still too hot so it burnt my mouth, and taking a bite of the toasty that was maybe a bit too big. I didn’t care though it was so good and Nathan had seen me at my worst so I’m sure he would understand a woman’s cravings. Well at least accept it.

By the time the boarding call came for the boys I really didn’t want Nathan to go, I’d had such an amazing day with him, (even if half of it was spent in airport and the other at a clinic) but I knew duty called so I was going to have to let him go. “I’m going to miss you so much, be careful and look after yourself” Nathan said pulling me into a hug, he was careful not to squeeze me too hard because of the whole baby thing. “I’ll be careful don’t worry, have fun and I love you” I kissed him on the lips, it ended much too soon and before we could say anything else the boys had dragged him away. I had to admit that hated it when he went away, even when it was just for a night I still missed him like crazy.

“C’mon we’re all having a massive sleepover at mine until they get back” Nareesha said looping her arm through mine, I smiled at them as they lifted my mood up a bit; at least they wouldn’t let me wallow in pity. “Alright I’ll just go and pick some clothes up then I’ll be round” I said as I had nothing with me. “No need, Nathan already packed for you. The case is in the boot of the car” I let out a single, silent laugh. That’s why he had an extra suitcase earlier, I don’t even know how I hadn’t noticed him only bring one in. “Alright let’s go” I said leading them in the direction of the car, luckily there was room enough for the five of us, Megan called shotgun and Nareesha, Kelsey and Michelle all squeezed in the back.

Megan cracked up the radio and Scream by Usher happened to just have started, the volume got turned up and before I knew it we were all belting out the words like we were at a concert, the girls magic of helping me forget Nathan had gone away already kicking in.

A/N – Sorry it’s late! But it’s still the weekend (just!) Anyway hope you guys like it, comment, fan, vote and I’ll see you Friday (and it will be Friday too) xD S x

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