Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

We’d just got onto the first plane that would take us from Bora Bora to New York and then we would have a few hours in New York before we caught a flight back to London. It was quite a way away but I didn’t mind that the flight would be so long because we’d had an amazing time, I’d seen some beautiful things I’d never thought I’d ever see, and of course, I got to spend my time there with Nathan.

The whole time we’d been packing I’d been thinking about the prospect that I could be pregnant. At moments I was so certain it wasn’t possible with everything that had happened, and that it was so soon after. But another part of me just had this feeling that I was pregnant, that there was a tiny little baby growing inside me. Nonetheless I made sure I was careful with what I was doing, I packed my suitcase but pretended that I’d pulled a muscle in my neck so I couldn’t carry or lift it, Nath was more than happy to do the job for me though, and without any more questions which was good.

As soon as we landed I was going to go to the nearest chemist and buy several pregnancy tests as I wanted the reassurance of more than one. If it came back positive I would tell Nath straight away, if it came back negative I wouldn’t say anything as there would be no point in telling him that I thought I’d been pregnant but it was a false alarm.


The flight to New York was pretty long, but I slept for half of it and for the rest of the time we watched the movie Hot Fuzz (an action comedy not something your dad watches when your mum goes to bed). In no time at all we were back in New York, we didn’t have to check in for an hour so we found a cute little restaurant near the airport and decided to have some lunch there seeing as it was so much better than airplane food.

I ordered a cous cous salad while Nathan went for a burrito, the food arrived as quickly as we’d ordered it and we were tucking in, in no time. “Thank you so much for the last few days Nath, I’ve had such an amazing time” I felt like I needed to thank him because I’d had such an amazing experience, the fact that he could arrange it without me even having an idea in the first place was an achievement in itself, since I was usually on top of everything he was up to.

“You don’t need to thank me, you really don’t” he grinned as he sipped his lemonade through a red straw. “Well I’m thanking you regardless” I took his hand with mine across the table, you never would have thought that a few weeks ago we were both breaking down fighting our emotions.


The hour soon past and we were back at the airport checking in, once our bags were on the way to the plane we went to the departure lounge and sat down ready for when our flight would be called. We both switched our phones on, I had a few texts from the girls and my parents asking if I was having a good time and I sent them a quick response, Nath on the other hand had numerous texts, emails, and missed calls from either the boys or Jayne or other management members arranging stuff for them in the upcoming few weeks and months.

Even though the mini holiday was really just meant to be about me and Nath when I saw a young girl who looked about ten glancing over every few seconds in our direction (mainly Nath’s) and tapping her mum pointing at us I knew that I had to make an exception. “Hey do me a favour will you? Go and give that girl a hug over there” I pointed over to where she sat and her eyes went wide when she noticed we had spotted her. Nathan nodded and took a pen over with him, she jumped up and down when he stood in-front of her and you could see just how excited she was at the fact she was meeting him. They talked for a few minutes and I could see them both nodding at certain points, he then signed something she gave to him, her mum took a quick photo of them together and he left her returning back over here with a hug. “She was so cute!” he exclaimed sitting back down next to me, it was really nice to see him getting on with a little girl, it really made me want the test to come back positive.


The second flight was pretty long too, but when we arrived back on UK soil I had to say I was really happy to be back, even though I’d enjoyed being in Bora Bora. Nathan went to grab our bags and while he did I nipped to a chemist and bought five tests, it may have seemed overboard but the more I took the more accurate it was going to be. I thought it would be slightly inappropriate to take the tests at the airport so I slipped them in my handbag and waited until we got home to use them.

Nerves filled my stomach on the taxi ride back to the apartment and I had no idea why. I wanted to be excited but I didn’t want hope to get the better of me in-case everything came crashing down around me. The worst part was when we got stuck in traffic literally minutes away from the apartment, we couldn’t get out since we were in the middle of the road so we were stuck, so close yet so far.

The taxi driver made small talk about things that had gone on in the few days that we were away, nothing really except some latest government scandal and William and Kate who had apparently had a go at DJ’ing, kind of funny when you think about it. After standing still for fifteen minutes we began moving again at a snail’s pace, but at least it was something.

We thanked the driver as we paid since he had been rather pleasant to us, taking our bags out the boot for us and carrying them up the few steps to the buildings front door. I fumbled for the keys but we managed to get in and dump all the bags in the hall, while Nath went to put the kettle on I sneakily took my handbag in the toilet with me to take the tests.

The minutes you had to wait to see whether they came back negative or positive were torturous, I paced up and down the bathroom glancing at them every few seconds to see if they were done. When the time was up I held my breath, one, two three, four, all the same result while the fifth was the opposite. I stared at them for a few minutes before throwing them in the bin and washing my hands and face. I don’t know how I felt.

I smiled at Nathan as I saw down on the sofa, he bought the mugs of tea through and threw his feet up on the coffee table, nearly knocking them over in the process. “It’s great to be back” he sighed contently, I smiled nodding and turning to him. “Nath?” I said making it sound more like a question, “yes?” he replied raising his eyebrows curiously. I pouted, “I’m pregnant!” I exclaimed jumping and wrapping my arms around his shocked figure. “You’re- what?!” I pulled back nodding, “you’re going to be a dad!” I was in shock, I felt numb again but this time in a good way. “You’re not joking right?” he asked making sure he heard me right. “I’m sure” I grinned my face beginning to hurt from smiling so much, this time I would do everything I could to make sure everything went okay, and I’m sure Nathan would do more than a good job in doing that too.

A/N – bit short again sorry, but she’s pregnant again! What do you think?! Comment, vote, fan and I’ll see you guys next Friday! S x

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