Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

We'd been in the amazing hot sun for two days now, we'd made the most of the beautiful island spending a lot of time either relaxing in the sun, floating in the clear blue sea, and even been on jet ski's which had been a lot of fun (especially sitting on the back with Nathan so we were so close, wrapping my arms around his torso). We were heading back home to London tomorrow. Personally I wanted to stay here for a bit longer; it was like being in a different world, you didn't have to think about anything - but I knew Nathan had to get back to the boys as they had gigs and interviews coming up.

We'd also made the most of the alone time together, if you get my drift. The island wasn't busy at all so you didn't need to worry about public displays of affection, or noise for that matter...

I was currenly sunbathing on the beach in my red bikini while Nath went to get us a bit of lunch and a refill of our drinks, since we seemed to be drinking rather a lot because of the sun.

As soon as we got here we had both switched off our phones, partly because we didnt need them in such an exotic location, and partly because there wasnt a very good signal out here in the first place. It felt really good just being away from all the social media and websites such as Twitter, even if it was only for four days.

Peering out from my darkly tinted sunglasses I spotted a rather handsome Nathan casually strolling back to me with a tray full of goodies. He too had his sunglasses on, his brown hair styled upwards, white flip flops, and those amazing red swim trunks which I liked very, very much! He grinned cheekily as he got closer realizing I was watching his every move back to me. "A glass of lemonade for the fair lady, and a fresh, locally made and caught, tuna sandwich" I took the drink from him and set it down beside me "Why thank you kind Sir" I giggled picking the sandwich up too and putting the plate down on my lap. He sat next to me on the golden sand, all I could hear was the calm clapping of waves and the distant calling of sea birds.

I sipped on the cool lemonade, it felt so good as the cold liquid ran down my throat. "I could really get used to this" I sighed, the sun seemed to cheer everyone up, especially when you'd only seen rain in a while.

"So could I Lau" Nathan agreed taking a bite from his sandwich which I had totally forgotten about. I smiled and picked up my own, I wanted to know if it tasted any better fresh than a homemade one back home.

It did, well at first anyway. First bite I was in heaven, second, I had a sudden wave of nausea flash over me and I was up and running to the closest toilet, leaving a baffled Nathan behind me on the beach. I crouched over the toilet as I threw up, it was horrible being sick when you weren't at home with your own comforts, but as I flushed the chain I felt a hand on my shoulder and I immediately knew who it was without needing to turn around.

"Are you okay?" Nathan asked, I turned around to face him feeling terrible all of a sudden. I mean he looked mega cute with his sunglasses on the top of his head and his red shorts, and I had just thrown up in a toilet. "Yeah I'm fine, must have been the sandwich" I smiled but my mind was somewhere else.

We went and sat under a tree further along the beach in the shade, even though we weren't directly in the sunlight it was still mega hot. Nathan made sure I kept drinking water so I wouldn't get dehydrated, but I didn't want to say what I was thinking.

When Nathan came into the bathroom to see if I was okay my mind flashed to Breaking Dawn. It was similar to what I was going through/thinking (without the whole vampire thing). My period was late, and Nath and I had been getting our freak on quite a lot lately, if you get me. Could it be possible? I didn't want to tell Nathan until I'd had a test- I didn't want to get his hopes up- but could I really be pregnant again?

A/N - Hope you guys like it!! What do you think is going to happen? I'm SOOO glad Nathan's op went okay! Hopefully he'll recover amazingly and he'll be as good as new in no time! Still feel bad for him though that he had to spend his birthday in a hospital! :/ Anyway let me know what you think, comment, vote, fan and I'll see you guys next Fridayyy! S xx

P.S. Sorry it's so short! 

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