Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Nathan had an interview this morning along with the other boys, on ITV’s ‘This Morning’. Since it was live I didn’t bother getting up with Nath at the crack of dawn, instead I grabbed the remote from the bedside table and switched the TV on.

No word had go out to the public yet about the fact I had lost the baby, I wasn’t sure if the topic would come up today, or even if Nathan would say anything, but I guess I’d soon find out.

I watched as the presenters talked about a new chicken dinner recipe, the headlines and front pages of the national newspapers, all before even the mention on the boys was heard. Even then it was just a brief announcement to say that they would be on sometime after the next advertisement break. Thirsty, I decided to get up and pour myself a glass of orange juice, I couldn’t resist picking up the same packet of biscuits I’d got yesterday. I also made sure that on the way back to our room I stayed clear of the nursery; there was no way I wanted a repeat of yesterday.

The bed was cold by the time I returned, I did a little ‘cold bed’ jiggle to warm up and soon enough, under the covers it was toasty warm. The only thing that could have made it any better was if Nathan was next to me, we had a full English breakfast on our laps, and Jay, Tom, Siva and Max were in-front of us dancing in nothing but hula skirts! – Joking, although that would be hilarious.

“And now please welcome our next guests. They are wanted globally by thousands of screaming girls who can’t get enough of their music, they’ve cracked America, had six top ten singles and have sold more than fifteen million copies of their hit single ‘Glad You Came’ alone. Please welcome to the sofa, Tom Parker, Max George, Nathan Sykes, Siva Kaneswaran and Jay McGuiness, also known as ‘The Wanted’!” the TV presenter announced, gesturing to the five boys putting on a fake smile waving to the camera, as it panned out on the red sofa.

“So” the second presenter began turning to face them. “You’ve been on a break for a while, what have you all been up to?” he questioned, Max was the first to reply. “We’ve been writing some new stuff and been in the recording studio making some great tunes, as well as spending some time with our family, friends and girlfriends” Max smiled glancing briefly at the camera. I put my glass of orange juice down and swapped it for the packet of biscuits, never taking my eyes off the screen.

“We’ll come on to the new songs you’ve been writing and recording in a minutes, first I think a big congratulations is in order to Nathan! I hear you and your girlfriends Lauren are expecting your first child together. The first, and youngest member in the group, to be a father” and there you go. I’m surprized management hadn’t warned the show about it, or warned them not to talk about it. The five boys had gone from smirking to frowning in an instant, the other four boys glanced over to Nathan unsure of what to say or do.

The look on his face broke my heart, I wished I had got up and gone with him so right now I could hug him, but all I could do was stiffly sit on the bed upright, gripping the packet of biscuits, and watch as it began to unfold.

“I would like to say thank you, but uh-. L-uh-Lauren had a complication with El- with the baby and unfortunately we lost it” it was probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to watch in my life. You could see that the presenters were shocked by the announcement, as I’m sure were the majority of the fans too. Jay who was sat beside Nath, put his arm around his sad figure and Tom pat Nath’s shoulder not really sure what to do.

“I’m so sorry we had no idea-“ one of the presenters began to apologize but Nathan shook his head. My eyes were locked on his figure, I could tell he was going to lose control of his emotions, he just like me, when put on the spot, wasn’t ready to talk about the loss of Ella, especially so suddenly like that. I knew when it was the right time he would be able to, but that moment was definitely not the right time. Just as I thought with only silence around him he got up and quickly ran from the sofa to somewhere behind the cameras. I didn’t look at the TV to see the reaction of anyone else, though as I fumbled through my phone address book I did hear them say they were going to take a short ad break.

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