Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

That night we had a bit of a karaoke party, the five of us danced around to songs singing at the top of our voices. Too bad we weren’t the best singers out there otherwise we could have been the next big girl band.  Imagine that, we’d be called The TWGF’s (The Wanted’s girlfriends); the name doesn’t really click though does it? Anyway I was the first one to call it a night as my back started to ache from carrying a little someone around with me all day, they all said night and trudged back to the spare room I was sharing with Megan, no doubt she wouldn’t actually get to bed until it had hit ridiculous o’clock.

I put my phone on the night-stand, I hadn’t heard from Nathan since the airport but I didn’t really expect to since the flight was so long. I was pretty sure as soon as he landed he would text though so I wanted to keep my phone close to me in-case he did. Once I was freshened, in my PJ’s and the duvet tucked around me I closed my eyes and just lay there thinking, I don’t really know what I thought about, there was nothing specific circling around in my head but I knew they all revolved around one person one way or another.

My phone vibrated making me jump; I opened my eyes and fumbled in the dark to find it on the bedside table. Once I’d managed to find it I pressed a button and the phone lit up temporarily blinding me, when my eyes had adjusted I noticed a (1) next to the text message icon, I smiled knowing who that person was already without even looking. “Hey beautiful, I don’t know if you’re awake (I’m hoping you’re asleep because of buba, but I highly doubt that when you’ve been the girls) but I just wanted to let you know we’ve arrived in LA and all is good. We’re just stopping at McDonalds before going to the hotel. Take care and I miss you already, text me in the morning. Nath xxx” How could you not smile at a message like that, I swear anything Nathan did was too cute for his own good. Before I met Nathan my life was completely non-cute, but he’d changed that like a fairy-tale book, I’m glad too because I couldn’t imagine my life any different now.

I decided not to text him back, it would probably make him happier to think I was asleep anyway, I would just text him in the morning like he’d said to do before. I put my phone back on the table and rolled on my side hugging the duvet closer to me as a replacement for Nathan.

When I woke up I was aware that half the duvet I’d managed to grab last night was no longer covering me, Megan had stolen half of it when she got into bed last night, so now my right side was completely out in the open, fighting the breeze that somehow managed to find me. I shook my head as I saw her mouth slightly open as she snored lightly, she would kill me if I told anyone (though I’m pretty certain Jay would already know). I stood up and grabbed a jumper before throwing it on over my short sleeve PJ top.

Nareesha, Kelsey and Michelle were already sat around the kitchen table dressed when I ventured in; I sat beside Nareesha as Michelle made me a cup of tea. “What’s the plan for today then?” I asked grabbing a piece of toast from a plate in the middle of the table. “Well since we all have the day off we’re going shopping. More specifically baby shopping, we all want to get you and the baby something” Kelsey said, as she pulled up her blonde hair into a lose pony tail.

“You don’t have to do that” I smiled, the idea did kind of excite me though, it would be fun to get some stuff with the girls as Nathan wasn’t the best shopping partner around. “No we’re going and that’s the end of it. We just need to wake Megan up first” Nareesha said, I laughed thinking how hard that simple plan was, Megan turned into a monster when it came waking her up.

“I’ve got an idea” they all smiled as I told them the plan.  Nareesha and Michelle went upstairs to nudge her awake and Kelsey and I sat downstairs ready to shout up to her. When we heard Michelle ‘cough’ Kelsey winked before shouting upstairs, “Megan Jay’s on the phone” we knew that she would wake up at that, though I was pretty sure she wouldn’t get up, so I took my queue and walked upstairs. “Look Jay she’s still asleep, I don’t think you should tell her like this. No- but – well tell Jenny or whatever her name is you have a girlfriend-“ I didn’t need to carry on any further because Megan pounced out of bed looking angry, when she saw me she stomped over and only then did she realize I wasn’t on the phone in the first place. “Guys she’s up” I shouted then ran into the bathroom locking the door behind me, I laughed hearing her mutter a few nasty words but it was totally worth it. I’m sure she’d get her own back at some point though.

An hour later and we had all arrived at the shopping centre, according to the others we weren’t shopping for ourselves only bubba (I gave him/her a nickname while he/she was still unborn), but I was pretty sure one of the girls would see something in a shop window and have to go and look at it for ‘educational’ purposes. “Alright let’s go to Mothercare first” Megan said linking my arm with her, I was still kind of suspicious about being around her since she hadn’t got her revenge back yet.

Nathan and I hadn’t really bought anything but baby furniture for the room so it still overwhelmed me when I saw how much variety of baby things there were to buy. From bibs to bottles there were at least ten types of each and I had absolutely no idea about what was the best or what I actually needed. “Do any of you have any ideas about what I should start with?” I asked as we were still gathered in the entrance of the shop. I told them what we already had, which was basically the crib and changing table and Nareesha having baby nieces and nephews said we should look at the bottles and milk warmers or something like that, I still hadn’t completely tuned in to all the baby talk.

After about half an hour we had a trolley full of things, bottles (and warmers) dummies, nappies, bibs, powders, hats, gloves, socks, clothes, you name it we had bought it. I felt really bad though when they split everything between them and paid for them, I knew they wanted to but I was expecting them just to buy an outfit or something not the whole shop. I was more than grateful though. We had to go and load all the bags in the car before we hit any other shops, when we did Kelsey ended up buying a pair of shoes, Nareesha a bag, Michelle a dress, Megan some underwear and I ended up getting some baggy clothing since the ones I had on right now were getting a bit tight. It was kind of depressing watching them get lots of nice things and I had to settle on some ugly sweatpants.

“I got to sit down” I complained twenty minutes later, we had been in and out of shops for ages now. Whoever said shopping wasn’t tiring then they were lying big time, I kind of wanted to go to DFS and lay on one of the sofas for a bit. “Let’s go for a coffee then” Michelle smiled and we made our way to the nearest café (and no it wasn’t Starbucks, for a change). I ordered tea (Nathan would be so proud) and sandwich before going to find the toilet, none of the others needed to go so I trudged out on my own.

I spotted the sign quite quickly, thankful that it didn’t take me long because I really needed to go. There was a yellow fold out sign that said the floors were slippery as they had just been cleaned so I took extra precautions not to slip over, I eventually made it after doing a similar walk you do in snow and found an empty cubicle.

When I was finished I washed my hands before drying them and checking I looked alright before walking out, as I did my phone vibrated in my pocket. ‘Morninnnn Lau (even though it’s probably afternoon!) Glad to know you’re all good, the boys and I are just on our way to film a TV sh-‘  I didn’t get to finish the text though because I’d forgotten about the floor being wet as my concentration was somewhere else. I bumped into the wet floor sign and somehow managed to trip over it so I landed straight on my back. Even though it kind of hurt (okay it did hurt) the first thing my mind went to was the baby, I quickly put my hands to my stomach and held my breath until I felt bubba move, I sighed thinking how disappointed Nathan would have been that I had been so careless when he had specifically told me to be careful. I picked up my phone and walked back over to the girls, my tea and sandwich sat waiting in my place. I finished reading the text before replying and turning my attention back to the girls conversation where they were talking about whether dungarees were fashionable or not. I voted not. I left out the conversation the part where I had fallen over otherwise they would have worried so much and everything still felt perfectly normal which was good.

I just needed to make sure I took Nathan’s advice more seriously from now on; I could afford to make any fatal mistakes when it came to buba.

A/N – I updated!! And on time too :D Hope you like it, comment, vote, fan! Oh and if you haven’t already watch the video at the side, it pretty much sums everything up, (if you add the People’s choice award to it). Credit to @Augusts5th for making the video.

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