Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

We stayed in Gloucester for a few more days, taking it as an opportunity to spend some time with Nathan’s family. We didn’t really speak much about Ella Rose, but I knew that they understood and didn’t hold any kind of grudge against me with the whole situation, which I was really grateful for.

We had decided to go back to London today, Nathan had to get back to the studio and we both kind of wanted to see the others again to say thank you; they had been so supportive through the whole thing. Nathan pulled the white cap down his face to minimalize the chance of him being recognized as we were boarding the train. Luckily this time we had managed to get on the right one, and we were early enough to get seats before it got crowded which was good.

Nathan checked the time on his orange watch and picked up my hand, intertwining our fingers. Nath’s hand looked really tanned compared to mine, but then again he had been to so many different countries that it would be weird if he hadn’t tanned, maybe like Jay!

“What are we going to do later?” I asked, referring to what we were going to do with the rest of the gang. Nathan smiled and tapped his nose, “Ah, I’ve already arranged everything. The other’s all know where to go, though they don’t know what for”. The old Nathan I hadn’t seen in a while was back and I was excited to know what he had arranged. “Do I get to find out?” I teased, he shook his head trying to hide the smile that crept onto his lips. “Humph” I joked earning a chuckle from him though he kept his mouth firmly closed.


The two hour train journey back was pretty uneventful; filled with chatter and music, and before I knew it we were pulling up to London St Pancras. It took another ten minutes to get off with our bags, heave our way through the crowded station and up to the taxi rank. From then on we got a taxi straight up to Jay’s and Megan’s apartment where we were meeting them to go to wherever Nathan had planned.

We just listened to the radio on the fifteen minute journey to their apartment, even though the taxi was silent I didn’t really mind because it was a comfortable silence. When the taxi driver pulled up on their street I got out first and heaved all the bag out, Nathan paid the driver before picking his bag up as we walked up the front steps. We walked the familiar route to the elevator and pressed the button for the seventh floor, as we went up Nathan briefly took off his white cap ruffling his hair, before putting back on again. I chuckled at that and the fact any minute we would be seeing two of our best friends.

“Are you-“ I began but Nathan waved his hand through the air cutting me off, “Yes I’m sure I’m not going to tell you where we’re going” he finished the question I hadn’t even fully asked. I would say that it was a bit freaky, but to be completely honest he knew me so well that he probably knew I was going to ask again before the words had even left my mouth. I sighed as Nathan knocked on the door, a few minutes later it swung open to reveal Megan on Jay’s back.

“We don’t even want to know” Nathan and I exclaimed both at the same time, they didn’t have to say anything to get us both to burst out laughing. After finishing my sentence a few minutes before I began to think that maybe Nathan really was a psychic. “Hello guys! Gosh I’m so happy you worked things out!” Megan squealed jumping off Jay’s back and enveloping me in a hug, Nathan and Jay did one of those man hugs before Jay squeezed me into one of his bear hugs, and Nath did the same with Megan.

“Well you helped so thank you” I added truthfully, I really don’t know where I would have been without Megan. “C’mon let’s go before we’re late” Nathan clapped his hands, herding us out the door like a bunch of sheep. I dumped both our bags in their hall so we could collect them later, and jumping in Nathan’s car he must have left here before going back home to Gloucester.

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