Chapter 35 Honeymoon (full) day 1

Start from the beginning

"I said 'So manly'" she says and I roll my eyes at her

"Yeah yeah. Help me get the off and into the igloo. Except the top one. I want to hold him. He seems to be the calmest." I say slowly removing my arms and picking one up slightly waking it up and setting it into the igloo in the back. Laura grabs the top one and sets it on the floor next to me and then helps take them off my lap and put them into the igloo. I carefully pick up the one next to me and cradle it in my arms like you would a baby. He jerks awake and whimpers trying to get down. I bring its face close to mine and set my nose on his looking into his eyes instantly freezing him in his place. As soon as his body relaxes I pull my nose away, but not before he gets a quick lick in. Set him down and grab one of the toys and start playing with him. After a while we decide to leave and the puppy tries to follow but is cut off by the door. He scratches and whines trying to get to us and I chuckle and start to walk away.

"Take him." The owner says and hands us the necessary items for him.

"Sorry sir but we cannot." I say and he smiles gently at us.

"Then accept him as a wedding present. Your the only people he has ever bonded with. Please don't take that from him." He says and I look at Laura. She smiles hopefully at me and I nod and take the stuff from the man and set it by the door.

"I'll just call my driver to help us." I say and he nods. I pull out my phone and call Dallon. Soon he appears with the car and helps put the stuff in the trunk. The store owner walks out with the puppy in a carrier and hands him to me. I set him in the back in the middle and thank him.

"Thank you." I say and hand him a $100 bill. Not nearly enough but he probably wouldn't accept much more. Don't know why but he just doesn't seem like it.

"No he is a gift." he says and I nod

"Then let this be for all of the necessities." I say and he reluctantly takes it.

"Thank you." Laura says and he hugs her then me.

"Congratulations" He says and we smile at him before getting in the car and driving off. I take the puppy out and cradle him again and look at Laura and pass him to her.

"What do out want to name him?" I ask slightly chuckling while the puppy licks all over Laura's face.

"How about......Duke?" She suggests and I nod.

"How about we call out names and see which he responds to." I suggest and she nods setting him on the seat between us.

"Baily" she starts and he scratches his ear with his back paw.

















"Bandit" I say and he looks at me.

"Bandit" I say again and he walks over to me.

"Bandit it is" Laura says and we get out and Dallon grabs the stuff from the back and carries it up while I grab Lauras hand and the carrier after putting Bandit back in.

"I'm taking you on a date today." I say an she nods

"What should I wear?" She asks and I shrug.

"I'll pick out your outfit when we get upstairs. Be ready by....." I start and look at the time on my phone. "....7:30" I say and we get to the room. I use the key to unlock the door and we walk in followed by Dallon with a cart that has the puppies stuff.

"Lets go get the puppies stuff set up. He will stay in the bathroom out here till he is comfortable." I say and she nods.

After getting the puppies stuff in the bathroom and giving him food and water, me and Laura go to the bed room and I pick out her black dress that stops just below her knees, a pair of black heels, and her dark silver clutch.

"Here" I say handing her the clothes and she smiles and rushes to the bathroom and gets in the shower.

I go to the puppies bathroom and put him in his crate for the night after putting a puppy training pad in it and his food and water.

I put a blanket over the crate to make him fall asleep faster and then jump in the shower. I took a quick 5 minute shower and then jumped out and got dressed.

I brushed my teeth and styled my hair then put on some cologne and walked into the living room. I sat on the couch and waited for Laura to come out. Dallon beat her here and I told him Bandit is in the bathroom and what he needed to do. Soon after he arrived Laura came out in the dress. It looks better than I expected.

"You look beautiful." I say and she looks down blushing. I smile and walk up to her and kiss her.

"Alright love birds. go on your date be home by at the latest 11:45 I have to be gone at 11:30 and I don't think you want to leave the puppy for too long." Dallon says pushing us out of the suite. I take her hand and lead her to the taxi out front and tell him to take us to the beach.

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