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Have you ever heard of the saying "When you wish upon a star, your dreams will come true?".

I know many of us believed in that saying. Many of us experienced looking at the night sky waiting for the first star to appear and then reciting the ever-popular line from the ever-popular song STARLIGHT.

"Starlight, star bright. The first star I see tonight, I  wish I may, I wish I might". But come to think of it, what powers do stars have that people rely on them to make their dreams come true? Stars are just mere objects in space that are made of burning gas. Instead of wishing upon a star, why not wish upon the Creator of the stars? Putting it more bluntly, Why not pray and turn to God?

It is written in Philippians 4:6, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God"

God has so much blessings in store for us. Imagine a room full of blessings. Prayer is the key but faith unlocks the door.

The Lord God invites His people to pray to Him. Prayer to God should be persistent, with thanksgiving, within the will of God, for His glory, and with a right heart. Our Lord is generous and He enjoys blessing His people.

Unfortunately, when people pray and their prayers were not answered, their reaction is to turn their backs to God and despise Him. We should know that He answers our prayers in three ways. YES, if our prayers are in line with God's will. WAIT, if the timing is not right and He needs to test your patience and obedience in His word. Lastly, NO or I HAVE SOMETHING BETTER FOR YOU.

As teenagers turning to adults, as well as for the adults. We are expected to act maturely. But maturity isn't defined by age, but by our spiritual growth.

I encourage you to build a relationship with God and believe in His word. Let us accept Jesus in our lives and give our lives to Him. Love Him because He first loved us. Follow His footsteps and become a Christian for you to know what real life is. Let us take a moment to evaluate ourselves. Maybe you have lived as you wanted to live but have you ever asked yourself, what on earth I am here for? I believe that having an encounter with God is the beginning of life.

A life full of faith, a life full of joy and salvation, a life full of beautiful surprises that only God can give us. Not on anyone, not on the things that our eyes see but only God can give us the satisfaction that our life, body, and most of all spiritual life needs. PRAY, TURN TO HIM and HAVE FAITH.

Let me share a story with you.

There was once a village that suffered from drought. All the crops and the animals died. The villagers decided to pray for rain. On the day of the prayer, all the people came, but only one boy brought an umbrella.



Speech for my Final Examination in Oral Communication :)

Thank you for helping me RheynEspineli.

God bless you! HAPPY BIRTHDAY (October 12, 2015)

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