Put Me Down

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FYI everybody this chapter gets a bit PG-13 toward the end. I don't mean to spoil anything but if you get uncomfortable easily go ahead and stop halfway.

With that being said...enjoy this chapter!!


Jen had been in her room for half an hour, her mind busy.

Jen thought back to the last time a man had told her that he loved her. She was still in high school then. The guy had led her on and even dated her. He took his time drawing her into his trap. After they had slept together Jen was completely ignored by him. He avoided her at school and didn't take her calls. When she finally decided to confront him about it, he laughed in her face and made her feel foolish.

Ever since that day, Jen had always been very protective of herself and her friends. Jen would never let any relationship get too far. If she felt like it was lasting too long, she would end it before either of them got hurt.

She hadn't done this with Tom. Maybe she'd lost her touch but she didn't cut things off in time. The truth is she felt something for him too. She was afraid of the way he made her feel. She didn't understand it and she definitely didn't know what to do about it.

Tom had argued with her more than any other guy had in her life. But he always came back after he left. She had never experienced this.

Suddenly, she felt terrible leaving him outside all alone. She swallowed her pride and went to go talk to him. If she was going to break it off she could at least do it to his face.

She left her room and walked down the steps and out the door.

He was still there on the steps. With his head in his hands, he was waiting for her.

She went and sat beside him.

"Hey," she said when he noticed her.

"Hey," he looked longingly in her direction.

"I'm really sorry," she said after a while.

"Sorry for what?"

"For making this last longer than it should've."

He didn't answer.

"I shouldn't have led you on. I mean, you're a really good guy and whoever gets with you will be one lucky girl but you don't need me."

His eyes seemed to burn into her soul. He could see right through her lie but she needed to tell it so she could let him go forever.

"So, all that to say, I really wish you the best in life and I know you'll find someone who will love you as much as you love them."

She was looking away now, desperately trying to hold back tears.

Keep it together Jen, she told herself. You don't need this guy.

She turned back to him.

"I don't know what else to say."

Tom stood up. Jen did the same and faced him.

Why isn't he saying anything?, Jen thought.

"Well..." Jen filled the silence. "I guess this is goodbye."

Tom looked away as if debating for a moment. Then he took a step closer.

He put a hand on her waist and pulled her to him. Then he leaned in so their foreheads were touching.

"You're so difficult." He whispered.

Jen was so swept away by this movement that all she could do was inhale and exhale.

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