Ladies' Man

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*some of these gifs were added a long while after I wrote this 

*if he keeps moving his hips like that idk what Ima do with myself 


"Ooh, I'm so tired," Christine said, falling onto her bed.

"I guess pulling niggas takes it out of you, huh?" Jen quipped.

"Shut up!" Christine said before laughing and throwing her pillow at Jen. "But I'm serious, I think I might take a nap before I study tonight."

"Nap! Studying!?" Jen asked in a mockingly shocked tone."Christine Everette Case it is Friday! I know you're a super awesome braniac but its time to put that pretty face to work!" Jen said playfully as she caressed her best friend's face.

"We are going out tonight and that's final." She said. Christie didn't have time to get a word out before Jen spoke up again.

"You have one hour to get ready and then were leaving!"

"Oh fine," Christine said sticking her tongue out at Jen.


Christie didn't object much because she had the whole weekend to study. Plus she was excited to go out and have some fun. She couldn't remember the last time she really let herself relax.

Jen was great for that, she could always help Christine wind down no matter how stressed she got.

Christine picked out a cute black dress she had been saving for a special occasion. It was short and looked like a black crop top connected to a fitting short skirt. Black always worked for her brown skin. Her stomach was showing through the translucent black fabric. She picked out her glorious black afro and put on one of her favorite necklaces.

She checked herself in her full body mirror feeling cute and classy.

Her best friend had on a cute shirt and pants that went well with her top. Her shorter hair was in a slick-backed style that framed her beautiful light skinned face well.

Once their make up was done they headed out the door. Jen drove over to their favorite club, Lenny's. She parked the car and they headed inside.

Christie loved this club because it played really good music and so many black people came there; it was such a relaxed place to hang out.

Christie and Jen rushed straight for the dance floor. They were turned up as soon as the DJ played Beyonce and after about an hour of dancing the two friends headed off to the side to sit and get a break from their heels.

They got some sodas and were just talking with each other when Jen's face lit up. "O.M.G." she said.

"What?" Christie asked almost choking on her sprite.

"The cutie's here." And she immediately broke into a wide grin.

Christie immediately got nervous. She felt her hair to make sure it was okay. Jen sensed her anxiety. "You look hot don't worry." This put Christie at ease and she smiled. Then she looked over into the direction Jennifer had been staring at.

"He's so fine," Christie accidentally said out loud. Immediately embarrassed, she hoped that Jen hadn't heard her.

Jidenna was dressed in a printed dress shirt with suspenders and tan dress pants. He towered over every woman in the club, some of the men too.

He must dress nice all the time, She thought to herself.

She secretly hope that he would spot her but knew that it was unlikely since she was sitting down in the corner. Jidenna was surrounded by girls who all wanted to dance on him. He was classy about it though, and kept his distance with most of them. Keyword: most.

Christie did not blame any of the other girls though. She would've wanted to same thing. After a few minutes had gone by Jen groaned in annoyance. Christie looked up at her surprised.

"I've watched you stare at him for fifteen minutes. Are you gonna go get him or not?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

Christie set her face in determinacy. "You're right," she said, "here I go." With that she set down her soda and strutted over in his direction.

Jidenna saw her before she was even close. He seemed to freeze in the midst of the dancing girls around him. They locked eyes; he looked stunned.

Is that a good thing?, Christine wondered.

He moved through the crowd that surrounded him and met her halfway. He smiled. " look amazing."

She looked up at him and smiled. "Thanks."

They stood there staring at each other for a few moments until occasional bumps from dancing strangers caused them to look around. Jiddena looked back into Christie's eyes. "Shall we dance?" he asked.

"Sure." She said laughing.

They began to dance; growing more and more confident with each other. They did this until they were pressed up against each other; having so much fun.

Christie couldn't remember the last time she had laughed this hard. He was hilarious. When he went for a dance move, he went for it. Still he was a pretty good dancer. She was just trying to keep up.

About 10 songs later, they headed to the side. Christie looked around for Jen. She finally saw her on the dance floor with a partner of her own. They were getting pretty close to each other. Christie snapped back to attention when Jidenna put his hand on her waist. She blushed a little and then turned to face him.

"Do you want to get out of here?" he asked.

Christine knew what that meant, Well, it was fun while it lasted, she thought.

"Actually yeah," She said. "Can you give me a ride home?" She asked.

"Sure thing," he said with a smile.

Christie sent Jen a text telling her where she was headed and then left with Jidenna.


Second chapter edited! I didn't change much but I cleaned it up a bit. Thanks for reading!

~Dallas Rey

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