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Jidenna had just walked away and he looked so hurt. Christine felt like she betrayed him by loving another man.

It just didn't feel right to leave things like this with Jidenna. She didn't want him to leave her and she loved being with him.

He made her feel so sure of herself and she never wanted to lose him...but then there was Jamal. Her first love and her first heartbreak.

She had to choose Jamal. Christine knew things could work out between them. She knew this because, he was the first person to ever love her.

Who knows if she would ever get that love again. I mean, she devoted over a year of her life to him, right? She obviously still had feelings for him, maybe she should just give him another chance.

Before she knew it, she was dialing his number. But as the phone rang Christine had a flashback:


"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Jidenna Mobisson."

"Nice to meet you, Jidenna," Jen spoke up, "I'm Jen and this is my best friend Christine."

"Hello, Jidenna," Christine said.


Christine smiled at the memory. The phone kept ringing as her mind wandered further:


"He's so fine," Christie accidentally said out loud. Immediately embarrassed, she hoped that Jen hadn't heard her.

Jidenna was dressed in a printed dress shirt with suspenders and tan dress pants. He towered over every woman in the club, some of the men too.

He must dress nice all the time, She thought to herself.


Christine's eyes teared up as she laughed at the memory. But the phone had stopped ringing.

"Hello? Hello? Christine?" Jamal said from the other end.

"Uh, oh hi," Christine snapped back into reality as she dearly regretted this call.

"I would've called I just didn't know if I should..." Jamal said.


"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked as she stepped into the car. He closed her door and then hurried to the driver's side.

"Because you look beautiful." he said as he smiled at her and closed his door.


"Yah, i understand," Christine said, still dazed.

"Could you ever take me back, Christine? I love you with all my heart." Jamal said.

"I-" she started


"Do you want to watch a movie?" he asked innocently

She giggled "yeah sure" she said.


She fell asleep that night in his arms.


"You what Christine? Please say something," Jamal pleaded


She was now standing right in front of the door; leaning her ear against it. She tried to hear if he was walking away. Then she heard something against the door.

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