10 facts challenge

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I was nominated by Eddie to do the 10 fact thing. This is also early 450 reads special.

1. My name: Here's a random. fact about my name. Even since I was a little child, I hated it, because people.were.making fun of it. (Same goes to my.surname). My internet name is Ena,The reason is, when I was 5 years old, we visited my cousins. The baby one was named Emma, and I got jelaous. I stole her name and changed one letter (ok, two...).

2. The Scariest moment in my life: When I was drowning, when there was a fire 6 house up, when really scarry and mean voice told me as 6 years old to kill myself (Eddie killed him,.so don't worry XD)

3. Orientation: Well, I am a pervert. But questioning, not atracted to any gendre yet.

4. Emotionaly broken: I am, I don't even cry anymore. If you saw me crying I broke down and this is the result. Not even disgusted with gore. (Seen many dead pidgeons)

5. Disease: Well, I am literally crazy. I do talk to myself a lot, it's fun and it makes me feel better. I also have low pressuse (sometimes. I just see 'puzzles' and when it's really strong, I fell to the ground, for a minute.

6. Low self asteem: It's really low. If you call me Shiat,Biach aor others I don't care. I know that I am all of the above ;)

7. Strong mind: I can covincemyself about anything, related in bad way. Tell myself I can't sing. Now I can't, tell myself I can't run... Running will never be the same...

8. Secrets: I'm good at keeping them. But it hurts. Some of them I would love to discuss more, because they are just interesting. Sadly, no one believes me when I say that I don't have secrets. Truth is, that I just can't remember anything that I'm ashamed to say publicaly.

9. Fears: Here's a list: Spiders, Snakes (I fear that they will kill me by bite), Dark, Storms, Monsters under my bed, Pain of getting hurt, heights

10. First horror: I started to love horrors at the age of 8. First horror I read was When the Angels cry by David Eddings. I solved who is the murder before main character. Later I started to watch them, but I can stand seeing body getting blown up or detaily stabbed. Back then I switch,.while there was this scene and returned back for the gore. (I think I saw Saw and horror about monster in Underground.)

This took me a lot o time to write,.so here's a special fact number 11: I LOVE role play. Absolutely.

Thanks to everyone who's reading this and especialy to Eddie and Alee for education and role-play. Thank you <3 (less than three joke)

- Fox :3

Oh, and I nominate Hayley2000 and xX_Jordan_Xx if they didn't do it already

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