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When I opened my eyes, I was surrended by darkness. Then white light ball appeared near me. I tried to grab it, but it just floated above my hands. After that I saw visions from my past: How I tried to help animals, how I followed Mianite when I was younger, how I met my friends and how I used to help others no matter what...

When it ended, I followed white light to the red light and I recieved another visions: How I left my family and the village, because they followed Mianite, how the gang use to blow up stuff, how I refused to help the survivors...

Revealing my past made me cry a little bit. Both of the lights then lead me toward the last one. When we came closer to it, they pushed me foward. I looked up on the purple light floating way above my head and it nodded. "That's it" I thought "I am Ianitee!"

When I woke up, the man was smiling and said "You have all passed now, pick a door" he gestured to the doors under the statue. "I believe you all know which one" With that he dissapeared and we wandered to the doors. We had to wait, because thanks to me, we were the last group in the line. Everyone started talking at once, but I still heard some girls talking about some danger. I know that eavesdropping is bad, but I wanted to know about the danger. "I heard that Mianitees were acting strangely starting from this week." "I heard, that they even attacked some small village." "You mean that one near the Mianite worshipers comunity? That one in the south?" "Yea, I think Dudu or something" (Dudu? Isn't that the village where Sisi lives?... Wait, attacked by the Mianite worshippers? Oh god!) I looked at Sisi. She looked really happy and excited, should I tell her? Probably not now, since we are both Ianitees I will have plenty of time later.

*Time skip of lazyness*

We were so close to the doors, when I thought (It's sad that no one of our gang will be in Mianite, he or she could help others, if Mianite would do something like that again) Why don't you do it then? (What?) You grew up in city runned by Mianitees, and you are Ianitee, it won't be that much of a difference (That's true, I could be a spy) Yeah, just make sure you don't get caught, follow the rules and be rude to anyone who isn't Mianitee (Thanks voice, that's a great idea) I felt great, after all, I was doing it to protect my friends. Little lie can't hurt

(If Ena would only know, now excuse me I need to cry, because I know the future... -Fox :3 )

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