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I opened my eyes. (Huh? It's morning already?) I turned to see the the time on clock. (8:30? Eh? Oh no I'll be late to school!) I jumped out of my bed and got dressed up as quick as I could. Then I grabbed my breakfast and stormed outside. 

~Time skip of lazyness~

As I was getting closer to the school, I had to admire the structure and the details on each building. One of the best things that I've seen so far. Before the building stood huge group of new students, waiting to get sorted. There I saw my friend Sisi talking to some people I didn't recognize. It wasn't hard for me to find her, she was my friend since we were kids. But mostly because she had long blonde hair with some brown stripes, very white skin (I would say quartz like) and a make-up which she recieved from her sister while sleeping. Together it look like that she was cosplaying corpse, but who am I to judge?

 She spotted me and waved. I waved back walking towards her. When I got closer I heard that they're discussing where they will end up. Sisi looked up and smiled "We'we been waiting for your arrival princess" she always teased me like that when I "broke" the rules or promise. "I'm sorry. I over slep and noone woke me up" "It's okay" she turned to the other three people and said "Ena this boy here is Jake. Jake this is Ena" she pointed at brown haired male, "This girl is Lily" she pointed at girl with short green hairs, "And this is Em" she pointed at shy blonde girl ."Hi guys, nice to meet you" "Hello" "Hi" "Sup" "Is it just me or is the gang back?" "It is" Sisi replied with a big smile. "Oh my gosh" I said shocked. By saying the gang I meant our group, that we created together with Sisi long time ago. "So" Sisi said breaking the silence "Where do you thing we will end up?" "That's easy, you'll be Ianitee together with Em and Jake with Lily will be Dianitees" "What about you?" "I think it will be one of these two"

~Another time skip of lazyness~

"Okay, line up in groups of six" male voice echoed. "We need one more person" "Dont worry about it,someone will show up soon" Jake said. And he was right, a blonde boy with arrogant look walked to our group and said "My name is Philip you should remember it" (What a douche) "Nice too meet you, my name is-" "I don't care" he said angrily (Woah, he just shut down Sisi, who is onr of the nicest people anyone can met?) "This dude is desperately trying to win one of my "special" awards" I whispered to gang. (Those are awards for people who are beeing stupid or evil or just rude)"I bet that he won ton already" Jake chuckled. "He's probably a champion already" Lily gigglet. "Basically he's Mianitee" I added

We approached the grand entryway. There were three statues blocking our path and between them stood a man. "Before you continue you must do this test of strenght and will" he said "You will be plunged into the depths of your own minds, where you will choose a god" Then he raised his hand and I blacked out.

I'm sorry but I had to shorten this chapter. I need my sleep.       

                                                                         - Fox :3 (between 5:30 and 6:00 AM)

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