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If this turns out to be longer chapter, it's also a bonus for more than 250 reads - Fox :3

Welcome to the next episode of history with Ena:

Autumn was still starring at the lake,when I heard someone whispering. "Pssst, Ena" I turned around to see Lily creeping from the bush. "We're here, come here so we can start"  I followed Lily throught the bush to the nice campfire. "Cool, now we need a house" "Don't think about burning houses, we have better things to do!" I did not believe Jake at all, but he sounded confident. We talked about so many things, including the trip and how was I doing in the nursery, when Sisi suddently asked "This meet ups are great, why did we even break up?"




Jaked looked away, Lily stared into the fire, Em looked at the ground, I was sadly staring at Sisi and she was confused. "Wait, what did I say?" No one looked ready to answer, so I said "Well... It's not about you... It's the fact that..." "You weren't there" Jake said "You were sick and you had to stay at home." Lily added. "Wait, what happened?" I sighted "I think, that since the club ended, you should all know the full history"

As you all know, I was born in Cadice, city that Mianite built. My parents saw something special in me, maybe it was the fact that I had white hairs, so they gave me an amulet with protection spell and they named me Light. Years later I even got a little brother named Hope. I loved him more than anything. I was same like other childs in my age, but when I celebrated my 7th birthday, something changed. I started to realize, that there is something  wrong with the Mianite. He seemed so concerned about everything, but the truth was, he didn't cared about his followers, he was to bothered with his plans. My grandma and other elders in the city told me, that Mianite changed. They told me about the difference between 'Old' and 'New' Mianite and I started to understand. I was really rebelious at the age of 8. I would critize Mianite and break every rule he did after he changed to his 'new' self. Soon, I was accused of being Dianitee and I was jailed. I was brought to the trial and examined. Even Mianite was here, watching, and doing nothing. So I snapped. I cursed a lot on Mianite and in the end I said that I'm only sad that he is not a woman, because then he would be atleast useful (I meant to say that he would understand my situation, but I was angry). But, even after that, all elders voted for me to not be banned. Sadly, there was more adults, and I was banned. At that day, my whole family had to act like I died. I remember my brother, he was so confused, I don't blame him, he was only 4 at that day. After I was escorted out if the city, I had to survive by myself. I was very unlucky at that time, so one day, I realized I'm close to dying. I closed my eyes and that's when Sisi found me. I didn't wanted to get caught so I said that my name is Ena.

I stopped, waiting for the response. Em was very sensitive, so she was crying on Sisi's shoulder. Lily and Sisi sat silently thinking. Jake was smiling and asked "Wait, so your name is really Light?" "Yes. Why?" "Nothing, I'm just glad we have you here, because without you the world would be really dark" "Yeah, the names are ironic, considering my brother Hope got his hope crushed on that day."  "At least you seem to be ok" He smirked. "You heard about my childhood before I met you, now it's someone elses turn" "I'll go" Sisi said:

I remember the day we found Ena, I was picking some herbs with my mother. Anyway I was born in small village of Ianitees Dudu. I have older sister and younger brother, and they are allied against me. My parents own the tavern and lot of travelers and merchants came here to talk. That's how I met Jake, his parents were taking him with them. We were bored so we started playing hide and seek. We became friend after that. One day he brought with him his friend Lily. Sice it was my birthday my parent invited othe kids to play with us. Em was the only one that come. 15 days after my birthday, I went to the forrest with my mom to pick up some herbes. Instead of herbes we found a girl. She was weak, but she told us that her name was Ena. We help her and she stayed with us. One day, some people come looking for a girl named Light, description fitted on Ena, so we felt need to disguise her. We shortened her hairs and painted them brown.

"So that's why your hairs looks really weird" Lily said "Hey, my hairs look good" "They look worse than Jake's house" "Where does even Jake come from?" "You don't know that?" Jake asked surprised "You know, I'm not a god of knowledge to know everything..." He rolled his eyes 

So I was born in the city of Kadam. City mostly full of Dianitees near the big jungle where Lily lives. We actually met here, when I was running from the ocelot.

"Lily lives in jungle? And she didn't told me that when she visited me IN the jungle? What the hell." "I didn't have time to explain" "I was there for five years!" "That sounds like a personal problem" "What were you doing for five years in the jungle?" Sisi asked curiosly. "Well, mostly hiding from bounty hunters, you know, classic criminal stuff" "You are a criminal?" "Yes" "How?" "Banned and killing charge" "Killing charge?!?" "Remember that one time when we-"

"ENA! WHERE ARE YOU? IF YOU DON'T COME OUT I WON'T LET YOU GO TOMMOROW!" "Oh god that's Autumn, I have to go. See ya" I jumped throught the bush "I'm here" I said sheepishly "Thank god I found you, you know how much trouble we would both have?" "I'm sorry, I was just talking to my sister" "Oh, I get it, but now we need to hurry ok?" I nodded. She ran really fast, so it was hard to caught up with her "Please Autumn, don't tell anyone that I talked to my sister, she could have got in trouble" She looked directly in my eyes and said "Don't worry about that, we all have secrets."

Wise words from Autumn

I realized that making a bonus every 50 reads is hard (293 currently). I actually never expected that much reads to be honest. So there will be sadly less specials.         - Fox :3

Or am I lying again like with the feels chaapter :p, anyway I have to leave to learn for this test week (out of 11 sujects where you can get test we write from 9, great...)

Weird MianiteeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora