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I have two news, first, I will be doing special every 100 reads from now (probably, but who knows), and the second is that I have already planned something special for 500 reads. [That way I don't randomly spam my book]

[That feeling when you have a test but you don't have to learn due to your talent on it :D ]

I was really excited. It was Friday, which meant that we'll get to vote for the leaders. I must have looked really nervous, since Spring asked me "Are you sure that you're ok?" "I'm just nervous because the election" [Google translate ftw] "Oh yea, you have Sterling on your team right?" "Yes" (My team?) "Than I don't blame you" 

[#Rekt.  The first one in my book that I haven't planned.  Spring vs Sterling 1:0 ]

(Wow, burn) "I more wonder, who is against him?" I picked up the tea and siped."Spring, can I ask you three questions?" "If I can answer them than yes." "Since I already ask the first one, my second one is, can I borrow some books?" "Help me with some patients and don't forget to put them back." "Thanks, my last question is, which god do you all worship?" Spring stopped reorganizing the bed sheets and stared at me. "Why do you want to know?" "Emm... I was just curious" "Well, I follow Ianite, Autumn with Summer follow Dianite and Winter follows Mianite I think." (interesting)

*time skip of lazyness* [haven't seen that one in a while]

All students gathered in Dine-at-night to listen to teaches talking about selecting the good leader. Sparklez was just ending hi speech, how we should follow our heart and think if the person has the ability to became a leader, when Amy asked me "Do you think that Sterling would be a great leader?" "Yes and no, one fact is that he can lead, but the other is, that a good leader should listen to others and help them. I don't think Sterling would be capable of that." She thought "And... Would you prefer a leader who can lead or one that listen to others?" "Second one, by listening to others you can learn what to do better. What reminds me, who is against Sterling?" "Noone at this moment, only older students can attend and all boys follow Sterling." "Then we need a girl!" we tried to think of someone, but we had no clues on who.  We just sat here, still thinking. "I got an idea" I exclaimed happily "Really?" "Yes. You can be the candidate!" "What?" "Think of it, you are second year, you're a girl and you you can listen to others. You're perfect" "Well, if you think so..." Everything else was easy, together we wrote Amy as an candidate, prepared speech etc. etc. 

"So, what are we going to do?" "?" "I mean, you need to vote for Sterling and I need to vote for myself." I thought "It's easy, I vote for you, you vote for Sterling and if anyone asks we voted as expected." "So we would lie?" "Yes" "But... but lying is bad" I rolled my eyes "Amy, there are three types of lies, Bad one, that can hurt you, good one, that covers the pain and innocent one, that never hurts" She thought of it for a moment and said, "Ok"

[Did you read the last Iain chapter? First Izzy nearly gives me heart attack [I thought oh, is it someone we know, (hopefuly it wasn't) and then Iain just wrotes my username. But seriously, WHAT THE HELL. Like when is kidnapping students, giving them nicknames and making them fight a monster, which they in the end become, a good idea. I planned really emotional scene at the time of war. Not getting kidnapped by Iain! Am I salty, we'll see in the next episode of DBZ?     - Fox :3 ]

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