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[Secret, gotta keep it, this one you will save, better lock it, in your pocket, taking this one in the grave.... Eeehm ehm ehm Anyway, sorry for the singing, couldn't resist that. Now we're getting to the part my reader self couldn't wait for! REVEALING ALL THE SECRETS BETWEEN THE GROUP!]

[P.S. I'm just again warning that Lily left some parts out when she told the story to the group [the whole thing with Jake and why Ena ran away, technically Lily's Journey was a flashback.]

Ena's POV (Fuq yeah!)

Lily finished her story and we started clapping. Lily is a good storyteller and so far nothing changed. Jake was cheering and holding?... Yeah he was holding her hand trying to not get attention on them. I mentaly facepalmed, when he kissed her. So much for for secret dating. Sisi was comforting crying Em so they both didn't noticed. Sisi looked at us all and said "I'm glad that we no longer have any secrets"


We all froze in place thinking. (No secrets?... That would be awsome!) As much as I was thinking of that, it was looking more and more as a brilliant idea. "That's a good idea" They all looked at me. "What?" "If we tell all our important secrets now, we won't have to be worried about keeping them" "That's... Actually not a bad idea" Jake said, and looked at us "Do we all agree?" "Well, since it's my idea..." "I agree with Jake" "Pff, of course you would" "Are you implying something?" "I'm just-" "Girls, shush, let Sisi and Em talk" "Okay" "Mkay" We looked at Sisi who was discussing something with Em. She smiled and turned at us. "We both agree"

We sat on the grass under the big spruce and Jake started (he said that he will go first, since he's the only boy here). I saw him consulting something with Lily before he turned to us "Ehm, so... I would like to announce that... That me... Me and Lily are dating for 4 years now..." I smirked "Totaly not obvious" "Congratulations" "Yay" After we stoped fangirling that #Like is real, Lily said that she officialy ran away from home, after the one year war. "So you're going to become Mrs. Vogel?" we all laughted. "How do you know that we won't be Mr. and Mrs. Erith?" She asked with devious smile. Jake turned ti her and asked "You already planned this, didn't you?" "Yup" Em already told us all her secrets, so it was my turn. "You know what's funny? If now it would be Sisi's turn we coul say it's by the age"  [Ena - 15?, Jake - 17, Em - 15, Sisi - 15, Lily - 16] "Heh, true"

 (I should tell them about the voice) If you say anything about me, tell your friends goodbye (You're cruel) And you love your friends (Bish) Pfft  My argument with the voice was still a usual conversation for me, but I still hate him for that blackmail. I took a deep breath and said the 2nd biggest secret I could think of: "Guys, do you remember how we had the dreams and they helped us chose the door?" "Yeah" "Well... I'm actually Ianitee" They all looked shocked "Wait what?" Jake said. "I-I chose the wrong door" Sisi looked at me looking really sad "But- But why? I thought you hate Mianite?" "I do but..." Lily came next to me and hugged me "Shhh, it's okay" "I just- There was a attack by Mianite and wanted to know what is going on" Sisi looked at me "You mean Dudu?" "How do you know?" "I got letter from my parents" She handed it to me and I started reading.

Dear Sisi,

If you have the chance to visit us, don't. The whole village left to safest place. Our lady Ianite warned us about Mianitees attacking. This area is no longer safe. If you find Ena tell her we miss her. About the other thing, we did it. You can tell her whenever you will have the chance and whenever you want. Stay safe, learn and take care of your sister and Em. 

                                                                        - The Starling family 

(Sister? How did Sam got here? Huh?) I handed Sisi my letter so she could see, what happened. "Looks like no one died, good" "What are you going to do?" "I don't know Lily..."

We sat in silence until Jake spoke up "I know this will look inapropriate, but what are you going to do tomorrow?" I was confused "What's tomorrow?" They all gasped. "You don't know?" "Uhh... Tomorrow is Saturday?" I tried. All girls facepalmed and Jake continues "It was written on the event board, anyway tomorrow is family day, and at that time you're spending your time with family members who came to visit, before the school starts" "Oh, OH Ooooh... Now I get it" Jake sighted and shooked his head probably thinking how much dumb can I be.

Sisi was whispering something to Em and she was aprovingly shaking her head. Then Sisi looked at me and smiled. "Ena" she called "Come here" "What's going on?" "You will see..." She said mysteriously handing me piece of paper. (What is this?...!) The paper fell on the ground. Lily saw me "Ena! What happened? Is it bad?"

Sisi started telling the story with her joking voice: "Once there was a girl, she got lost in the woods and there there were some pirates, knights and pricnce with princess. And one day the princess discovered that she was adopted. What a sad day"

Lily got really excited "You mean?" "Yes" "Oh my god Ena, congratulations" I unfrozed and smiled at her "Thanks"

Sisi hugged me "Welcome to the family"

I was no longer Light Turgten, girl with really long white hair born on Summer.

Now I am Ena Starling, girl with not that long brown hair, born on Winter and wearing rainbow bracelet. With the best sister I could possibly wish for.

Life's truly good sometimes. To end another important tradition of the group, I started singing:

[Another shitty song by Ena179] 

No more secrets, 

no more lies,

No more regrets, 

no more tries.

No more pain, to hurt us,

We will regain, our trust.

Recover things we lost,

With the lowest cost,

Of throwing away the lies,

Like little balls,

No more playing as spies,

Breaking the walls,

Between us all,

we need nothing more...

*whispers* We need nothing more...

*clap* *clap* *clap* That was my sentimental ending T-T. Anyway, here you have the HYPE chapter. Things are going to get interesting soon. He he he he he. 


Enjoy your gift (Sorry to other people who didn't get chapter uploaded at their birthday, but I tried).

[Vogel should mean bird in dutch, also, don't confuse Starling and Sterling (you know, that Mianite douche) - Fox :3]

*bonus chapter incoming*

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