Special chapter for 100 and 150 reads

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This is the special chapter for the already passed 100 reads, and the upcoming 150 reads. This time I didn't invite Dawn [she is the only one character, who is allowed to break the forth wall], because I realized, that bringing crazy killer, who likes Ena, and wants her to be safe, is not a great idea. And no, that is not a spoiler or anything.

[How do you know, that heroes will arrive at the weekend?]

I counted it. If we go in reverse order: First day, that is stated in TIforMA is Thursday (Chapters 24-25), Wednesday is basically chapters 16-23, Thursday is 14-15 and the Monday is 6-13. Last 5 chapters are logically talking about Sunday events. [I feel nerdy writing it]

[Will there be other POV? ]

Probably yes. From Sisi and Amy. Hard to tell when.

[Will we ever know, why the gang fell apart originally?]

Actualy, there will be a chapter about that event. Just wait for it.

[What is Ena's dark secret?]

Same answer.

What is with the #?

I use them in tags later, I upload them when I feel like it. It's like writing a book in a book. [Totally not the point of my other book]

Did you have any struggles while writing this book?

Yes, many. 1) Being lazy 2) Having a writers block for a conbersation 3) Making a time line, that was the hardest one. I've planned some events, but not the days. So I had to write down my ideas and sort them out (25 minutes work). Problem was, when I had to put them into the days (5 minutes work).

That's all for this chapter, see you in the comments.

- Fox :3

P.S. I would apreciate help. I need some characters, doesn't matter if it's a girl or boy or what dorm they are. Or just suggest some names, I'm bad at naming characters. Thanks.

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