Lily's Journey part 1

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[ Ok, this whole text is written as flash back and one timeline. No comments from the gang will be here (side note, not everything you'll read was presented to the gang, it was 4 years ago and people forget, it's not like that they want to hide something). This is for now the present. Contains different POV's . If you'll be confused feel free to ask.]

Lily's POV

I tried to walk slowly, to avoid any suspicion. It was hard, leaving him there, but there was nothing I could do about it. Ok, I need to find the wool. I hoped that I would find some wool shop or anything, but aparently you don't sell wool in city ruled by Dianitees. That explains why is the code wool... "If I would be a sheep, where would I be?" I whispered. "Plains? Near jungle...!" Now it makes more sense. That's it, now where to get shears. Craft them obviosly, but I would need cave, furnace and pickaxe... or I can buy them, but I would need some money first and I don't even know if they sell them here... Well I can always steal them... Somewhere... I guess I should focus on the tree house


If I thought that getting shears will be hard, I clearly didn't consider the fact, how greatly we masked the tree house. I swear, that next time I build something secret with my friends, I will make a map. I ate the last bread I had from home. I should have steal that food too, not just shears. I know that it would be easier to kill the sheeps ans get wool and food at once, but I named every single one that lives near the house, so killing the would hurt. "As they say, you can kick out a dog, but you can't kick out Bob" I don't have problem to kill a sheep, I have problem to kill Tiffany (Tiff), Mr. Bubbles (Bubu), Mr. Snuglez (Snuglez) and Jake (the fact that he's my favourite sheep is just coincidence!). "Ugh" I kicked the nearby stone in annoyance. "Where the f*q is the fudging house!" I said frustated. I picked up the rock and threw it. I hope it hits someone. It didn't go far. Damn, I literally throw like a girl.  I picked it up and threw it again. *thump* Finally!


I would recognize that sound everywhere Oh no "Mr. Snuglez! I'm so sorry" I huged him, while he stared at me with expresion of: Are you serious? What the hell girl. Good, no one else was hurt. All the sheeps were there, so I only had to think. Snuglez had his fashionable brown wool, that he got to Ena's request, Bubu had blue wool, because we found him in the middle of a lake (None of us will ever know how does he even got here) and Jake was light gray, since he was special sheep born like that. Only sheep that I could use was Tiffany. Find a poppy shouldn't be hard, we're near plains. It really wasn't. Some skeleton attacked me in the proces, so I used his bones for bonemeal and then I crafted the pink dye. "Come on Tiffany, I just need your wool"

~ Timeskip of logic (that's new) ~

In the tree house few hours later

Where is she? I left the message and the wool and on top of that I'm waiting here. What is she doing?  I ate my last piece of bread and as soon as I went to bed I heard a sound. Is it Ena? I tried to be sneaky so I could get to the kitchen. Apparently I wasn't sneaky enought, because the intruder got behing me and pointed a sword. "Tell me on- three good reasons why I shouldn't kill you" That statment made me calmer, because the's only one person on the world who does that. "That's easy, first, I need help, second, this house is partly mine and third, I thought we're friends Ena..." She quickly put the sword away. "Sorry, you can never be sure. What do you want Sisi?" "Woah, she has only four friends, but she has problem to recognize them" "Hey, I have more than four friends!" "Yeah, you have mr. Rock, mr. Tree and the most important mr. Chair" "Why are you so mean?" "I don't know I'm hungry!" I swear that if she's in her random self now... "Go take a shower, I will buy food" she said as she pushed me towards the bathroom.

~ bathroom break ~

I had to say, taking a shower was kinda refreshing. I returned to kitchen and I froze. "Umm- Eee- Well- This is akward- Uhhh- I'll just - just leave, you can change" "I'm changed, today it's just fack pants day" I sighted again, if there is something worse that talking to Ena when she's grumpy, it's definitely when she's random. "So Ena, I need to talk to you about something" "Ok" she said as she started eating" "Ena, I need your help" *munch* "Jake was jailed and I need to know why." *munch munch* "Ok" *munch* "I will tell you*

~I'm too lazy to make a short sumary ~

Even with the munching, I got the main part of the story. "And what happened to Finn?" "I don't know, I haven't saw him after that. I still has the flower he gave me" "Can I look at it?" "Sure. FLYING PANCAKES" she yelled with excitement and ran away. I looked at the flower, that looked like amulet now "Sophie" I read. I would like to ask Ena more questions, but I don't think that's possible now... Slightly dissapointed I returned to my room when I found a letter. 


If you want help Jake, you have to visit the officials at the Urululu. They will have a really important meeting here. You'll need help, so try to contact liutenant Finn (If he's still alive). He said he lives at Merlein, so try to find him there. I packed you food for your quest. 

                       - Good Luck wishes Ena

It was so nice of her that before she went completly random, she left me some important information. Ok, tomorrow I'm going I said to myself as I fell asleep.

Sorry for not updating [this is getting old...], first five day vacation with my parents, now watching Danganronpa 3 and falling asleep in the middle of the day... Getting slowly addicted to saying funny thing is and writing three dots... Welp, not that I just made a fanart when reading the rock hit something part, I also made a song: 

Rock goes thump

Sheeps go baaah

Trees don't give a sh*t

Lily goes Aaaah


Thx brain, I apreciate (Not really)

                - Super duper Lazy Fox :3 (totally not a reference)

Btw if anyone else here reads minecraft 7 deadly sins, here's a little poem I made from last chapter title:   

Seto: It's to late, and I'm so sorry

Me: Goddamit Seto, why you ruined the story

And now a quality poem by internet users:

Roses are red

Violets are blue

I love hentai

You love it too


Nothing that you read was inspired by today's morning

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