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Thanks to everyone, who is reading my fanfiction (Especialy Eddie #SleepIsForTheWeak). Btw, did you know that in the starting chapters of the original fanfiction some things are written differently or weirdly? I'm editing some of them, that's why the man says the same thing.  - Fox :3

As we approched the doors, we saw the names Mianite,Ianite and Dianite written on them. Sisi chose the middle door, and female voice boomed "IANITE" Jake and Lily both chose the door on the left and male voice said "DIANITE" Philip reached for the door on the right at the same time as Em reached for the door in middle "MIANITE" "IANITE" the door shouted like it was a competition. I took a deep breath as I reached for the door on the right. And then I heard only word, which sealed my fate: "MIANITE"

(I'm sorry, but I'm laughting at this last part. Can you imagine someone talking like: "Only one word has sealed my fate and ruined my life..." "Which one?" "Mianite..." XD I'm starting to enjoy this more than I should... - Fox :3 )

Beyond the door stood a figure in a orange fox suit wearing fox ears and tail. "Welcome, my name is Sonja." she smiled "But people around here call me Firefox. I will be your guide around our wonderful school." "Are you Mianitee?" Philip asked curiously "Yes, I am" she answered. "I see that you equaly sorted" (Yeah, it's not like I cheated or anything) "That's good, atleast you will know someone here" (Hmm, I'm soooooo glad I only know Mr. Doucheyson here...) "Why are the structures shaped like that?" I pointed at triangle shaped window slightly going from gray to white. "The whole school was builded by Mianite" "Ohhh" (That explains why it looks awful) "Also keep the names of the gods in mind, because they determine where you sleep, eat and study." "What about some adventures?" Jake asked "You want da booty?" Firefox asked. We all looked at each other (except Philip because he is a party pooper) and yelled "ALL THE BOOTY". We laughted as she continued " I am your thaumcraft teacher and I have another side class of how to do the booty touches." that line made us laught more (Maybe beeing Mianitee wouldn't be that bad) I thought. "Your other teachers are Martha and Waglington - also known as Swaglington in magic. Steve in fighting and athletic or 'right rumbling' as he calls it. Syndicate or Tom, as he preferes is your 'prank instructor' as well as our Head of security. Tucker will teach you Blood Magic and he also leads side class on how to love taint. And Sparklez will be like your parent, your keeper, if you'll have any problems try to talk to him." she stopped as we aproached another group. "This cafeteria is called Dine-at-night" she pointed at two large doors that appeared to be just for display. "Nice joke" Jake said "It's clearly PUNtastic" Lily added high-fiving him. "That joke was a joke" I said reciving three hive-fives. "Okay, this is the end of our tour, go sit to your tables please."

(You should laught while you can, next chapter will bring feels :(  - Fox :3 )

 Edit: ok, I lied :P - Fox :3

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