Second day at school

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I had a really weird dream, the school was engaged in a war, some students even died. I think, that I even saw, how someone close to me died. It basically ended when I went crazy and somehow joined diferent side, and Amy was screaming something at me. [Was it really just a dream >:3 ]

"Ena, wake up, you don't want to come last to the breakfast" as soon as I rembered where I am, I jumped out of my bed, and tried to beat my record on quickiest drees up. "That did woke you up" Amy laughted. "So you're my roommate?" "Yes, together with Vanessa, but she already left" [I think that's the girl, who bullied Izzy, but I'm not sure. She is Amy's roommate, because in the description they have same hair and wear red dress - Fox :3 ] "Thanks for waiting for me" I said brushing my hair. "Do you have any plans for today?" "No, why you ask?" "I just thougt that I will introduce you to some second years, they'll be happy that they can meet someone from Cadice" "Umm, ok"

We walked to the caffeteria silently. I chose a table next to the Jake, so I could give him the invitation. He read it and smiled. Then he gave the paper to Lily, she winked at Sisi, and they both left to the toilet. (Great, the message is spreading fast.) Lily was the first one to return, she wispered something to Jake. He get closer to me, but we're still facing with our backs. "Sisi wants to know if we will sing songs" I chuckled "Of course we will" Jake looked at Sisi and nodded. I saw that Em was excited too. "Nice job gang" I whispered "We could be secret agents, with our skills" Jake joked "Definitely"

I had to end the fun, because Amy shoved up with some blondish girl wearing red dress. They look similiar standing next to each other. "Ena, this is Vanessa. Vanessa, this is Ena" "Nice too meet you" "I heard about you, you're the cool girl from Cadice" (Why does every Mianitee think, that just because I came from city build by Mianite I'm cool or cute?!?) "Yup" we talked for a while until they had to go meet their group. "See ya" Amy said before leaving. "Who are they?" Jake asked "Those two girls, that you saw magically dissapear, were my roommates" "Hmm" "By the way, who are your room mates?" "Do you see those two cool guys, sitting in on a table. That's them" 

⭐~*Timeskip of Awsomnest*~⭐

"I'm gonna go and practise my singing, see ya"

I returned to my dorm, and listened to the frindship song [I can't upload the video, because its https, but if you want to hear it just YouTube search video by peach1820 called the friendship song lyrics - Fox :3 ]. (That would actually be a fitting song for the Goodbye party) I thought. And with that, I decided to rest.

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