Last peaceful moment

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[Did you knew, that in French, l'autumne means autumn? And did you knew, that in french, you say 99 like 4×20+10+9? The fraze is quatre-vingt-dix-neuf. I'm writing my french homework, sorry if I'm weird.]

Today was Thursday, also know as my peaceful day, also known as the day of the trip. This was my second day here, but I already learned about the nurses. There were four of them: nurse Summer, nurse Autumn, nurse Winter and nurse Spring.

Those were the nicknames, that they had. The main nurse was Winter, she had short white hair, and grey eyes. She was responsible for every patient in the nursery. The always funny, cheerful, and kinda irresponsible, nurse was Summer. She had long blonde hair and blue eyes. She told me, that it would be fun to one day just go here in bikini, with a sombrero and a drink, mostly to annoy Winter. [See, who needs Andor if you have nurse Summer]

Next two nurses were both shy, but one loved reading, and the other loved nature. Spring alway read to me, when I was too tired, and she was also the one that visited me the most. She had long blond hair with green stripes, and she had flowers in her hairs too. Her eyes were green and she was very optimistic. Sister Autumn was the first, who told me, that today I'll have a chance to visit the garden. She had long brown hairs and her eyes were brown too.

[Thanks to Alee for the name, more uses to your sugestions, will be later. Now, I have to go, as my friend says, see ya later calculator.]

The door opened. It was Spring and she was smiling. "You have a visitor" she said giving me breakfast. "Who?" "That girl who brought you here, Amy was it?" "Yes, thank you". I felt nervous, after all, I had no clue what to say to her. Amy walked inside and sat down on my chair. "Hi, I'm here for a quick visit, soon we're leaving." "Ok" "Do you have any letters you want to send?" "Amy I wondered, could you help me with something?" "Yes" "Could you please deliver this letter, adress is on this paper" "Why you need it to be personal delivery?" "Please, it's really important." she looked in my eyes and said "Ok, I'll deliver it, if its for you" I quickly rereaded the letter if I wrote everything:

Dear Grandma, 

I know that I it was long since I wrote you, but I think I found the 'one'. She will probably be the person who will deliver this letter, but if not, there is the description. Her name is Amy, she has long curly blonde hair. She mostly wears red or black dress. She acts tought before the first years, but she is really friendly once you get to know her. She also has a brother called Sterling. He's a "classic" Mianitee. Also, I'm now attending the school  of Mianite arts, we didn't started yet, but I'm still pretty excited. All I ask is that you tell her about the real history of Mianite. Please, she needs to know that she isn't the bad and weak follower, as others tell her.

                                                                                      - Your lost and dead granddaughter Light~*

I handed the letter to Amy, it felt weird using my real name after all those years. "You look sad" Amy said breaking my thoughts. "Hm? Oh, I was just thinking" (Why do people always say that?) Nurse Spring brought me a tea, and told Amy that she probably needs to go on the trip. "Your sister is here" she said after Amy left. "Ok" (Now let's see who has the balls to call themself my sister). I wasn't surprised when Sisi came throught the door. "Hi Sis" "You're clearly ok when you have time to make jokes" [Ha sister-sis-sisi. I hope you like these jokes, it's hard to make them.]  "I wonder when I will get back" "I talked to one of the nurses and she told me, that they will take you outside, and if you will be ok you'll get back tomorrow." "Cool. I'm excited" "I bet you are, anyway if you can make it we are in the garden again." "I'll try, I'll try" 

Later that day after lunch (I had chicken and some vegetables) nurse Autumn come to pick me up. "Where are we going?" "To the garden, we need to see if you are cured now" I was following nurse Autumn throught the garden, but I stopped as soon we got near the lake. "Don't think of swimming in it" she said "Its dangerous" "Dangerous? Why?" "This lake is cursed, not many people actually go here, but we still got accidents" "Nice and deadly, like knives" [I just like shiny things ok :( ]  "But I'm still the only one who knows its secret" "Secret? Like a legend or a tale?" She smiled "No, not like that, but I know how to survive falling into it." I gasped "Someone died here?" "No, thanks to me." "You saved someone? How?" "Well, the lake is cursed, but the secret how to swim in it is simple. Just slow your movements, put the fear away, and let the lake accept you. Then calmly but quickly swim back to the ground." "It sounds simple, but knowing life it's probably really hard..." "Your right" she said staring at the lake...

[I'm sorry for not much frequent updates, I know that there are people who can update 12 chapters in 24 hours, but I'm not that good. But could you imagine me posting 12 updates at once? Woah, with that I would soon caught up with the story line of TIofMA. Wait a second, if that would happend, Ena would die next time there is a battle. Oh no. - Fox >:3 ]

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