Chapter 33

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Dedication: PizzaPartymgc because same. This chapter will either make you happy, or piss you off.

I don't think Michael even noticed that Calum was behind him.

Calum's hands roamed Ashley's small body, finally resting on her hips and pulling her to him. Their lips slotted against each other's messily, and both knew they should stop, but they were too drunk and lonely to care. Ashley fumbled the room key out of her pocket and opened the door, still kissing Calum, and once the door was open, they stumbled into the room.

Calum spun them around, then kicked the door shut and slammed the pink-haired girl against it. His hands pinned hers above her head, and he broke their kiss to look into her beautiful eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked, practically panting.

"Are you?" she returned.

Instead of answering, Calum grinned and walked backwards, bringing her back with him until they both fell on one of the beds. She immediately stradled him and kissed him deeply, her hands on his chest. He closed his eyes and let her take control. Her hands moved down to the button of his jeans, and she quickly unbuttoned them. Her hands were small, like Michael's.

Calum kicked his pants off, then flipped them over and started to kiss down her neck, to her chest. She was wearing a cute button up top, and his long fingers quickly undid the buttons, not wanting to ruin the shirt. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, and they both got the shirt off of her, then kissed again, her hands lacing in his hair and pulling him closer.

Calum thought about that night often. He didn't regret it, but he wasn't exactly proud of himself for doing that, either. Him and Ashley had gone out to a bar that night, and had gotten really, really drunk. They decided to go back to their hotel before they got more drunk, but, in the elevator on the way up, they kissed, and just continued to do so, and so much more.

They never acknowledged that night, and the only reason Calum knew he didn't make it up was because him and her woke up in the same bed the next morning, naked, her covered in love bites, and he had nail marks on his back. He woke up before she did and just awkwardly put boxers on and moved to the other bed in the room, even though it was Ashley's.

Right now, Calum was still writing in his notebook, lyrics coming to him. He stopped momentarily and looked at his phone, to see what time it was. His breath hitched when he saw the date. Being on tour, he lost track of time a lot, and he hadn't seen the date today yet.

It was July twelfth, seven months since Michael killed himself. The twelfth of the month now always affected Calum.

"Cal?" a voice called softly, and Calum looked up from his phone to see Ashley leaning against the doorframe and biting her lip. "It's five."

He nodded and stood. He wanted to apologize to her, but he didn't know how, so he just put a grey beanie on his head, clutched his phone tightly in his hand, and left the room, following her to yet another interview.


The man's large hands pushed Michael back on the bed, and Michael scooted back some, his eyes raking over the naked figure in front of him. He bit his lip and looked back up, into the man's eyes, and the guy smirked and crawled over Michael.

That night, Michael was fucked hard and rough by a man he didn't even know the name of in a part of town he didn't go into.

He waited until the man was asleep, then quietly slipped out and drove off, back to his house, where he would either drink a bottle of whiskey, or cry until he fell asleep. Either worked, nowadays.

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