Chapter 36

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Dedication: lostboymuke for the cute username, and, I thought your comment was funny, even though it wasn't a funny comment.

This chapter is boring but kind of not.

This will probably forever be one of the best Malm gifs. Unless they actually do have sex and that gets turned into a series of gifs. Then those would be better. But, until that time comes, we will have to settle for this.

Michael woke up wrapped in the one person's arms he never thought he'd be in again. Calum looked so peaceful, his eyes closed and his lips parted slightly, but, from having slept in the same bed as him so much, he could tell that Calum was awake.

"Hi," Michael said sleepily, grinning as Calum's eyes slowly opened.

"Hello," the brunet said softly. "We haven't talked in quite some time."

Michael giggled and kissed his nose softly. "The first thing you say to me the morning after I find out that you're alive is a song lyric."

Calum grinned. "You love me, though."

"I do."

Michael kissed him softly, with their mouths closed, since morning breath is gross. When they pulled away from each other, they just stared into each other's beautiful eyes. Michael wanted to cry all over again. Calum was so beautiful, and he was here, with Michael, alive. It was almost too good to be true.

"Rise and shine, boys," Ashley suddenly said, bursting into the room.

It was the day after Calum and Michael found each other, and they had been attached t the hip since. Michael's mum was letting Michael finish the tour with Calum, but, she was staying, too. She was rooming with Ashley, and Calum and Michael were rooming together.

"Why?" Calum groaned, his arms encircling his boyfriend.

"You have two radio interviews, now, up!" She gently pushed him, and he reluctantly got up, trying - but failing - to ignore the small whine that emitted from Michael's lips.

"Come on, baby," he said softly. "We have to get up." He then looked at Ashley. "I believe you have two interviews. Not me."

"Right, well, considering what happened yesterday, everyone is very interested to talk to you. So, while they may be my interviews, everyone wants to talk to you."

"Can Michael come?" He looked over at the boy, who was rolling out of bed. He fell to the floor with a thump, and Calum just rolled his eyes fondly.

"They want him to come," Ashley responded, sifting through his clothes. "So, yes. Do you want to look like a badass today, or a cute puppy?"

"Badass," Michael answered for him, standing from his position on the floor and walking over to the two. He laced his fingers with Calum's and scooted closer to him so that their shoulders were touching. "Definitely."

Ashley nodded and looked through Calum's clothes some more, then chose a pair of black skinny jeans and a simple black shirt and set them on his bed.

"I wish you had a cool jacket," she said, scanning through his suitcase again to try and find something.

"Oh, um, I have something," Michael said. He padded over to his suitcase and dug under a few pairs of jeans, coming up with a black leather jacket. "Will this work?" He looked at Calum, who's eyes were wide. "What? Is it bad?"

"N-No, um, it's great. I'd love to wear it." Calum had a weird, almost flustered, expression, for some reason, but, Michael just ignored it and threw the jacket on the bed. He then turned back to his suitcase and took out a pair of black skinny jeans and a black and white stripped sweater.

Take It Out On Me [Malum AU]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ