very important part two

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I forgot to put some info in the first very important a/n, so here it is now.

If in your fear/nightmare you die, then you're going to die in the story. And, I may make some of you die in other people's fear/nightmares if the fear/nightmare is big.

If you don't want to die, just tell me, or change your fear/nightmare.

If you have a fear and a nightmare, then you will have two chapters, one about your fear and one about your nightmare. But, if in both you die, then I'll just pick one for you to do, and you'll die in that one. So, you'll only get one chapter that way. If you'd like to pick if you die in the fear or nightmare, then, again, tell me.

I'll be doing the less scary ones first, so the chapters will get progressively worse, at least, in my opinion.

You may think one chapter is bad, and the next one not as bad, but, I will choose which ones I think aren't that bad, and which ones are.

I will say this at the beginning of the story, but I will also say this now: do not read the story if you are triggered easily. I can write gory things, and some of the things you've told me will involve me writing gory things.

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