Chapter 13

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Dedication: killingyourcupcakes. I think most people are pissed at Calum at the moment, so it's not bad at all. I'm sorry for the emotional stress this book may cause you guys.

I did cry while writing this chapter, but only because Amnesia came on and Luke singing about how he wished he could hold his girlfriend reminded me that I can't hold mine and it's close to four a.m., and I get very emotional this early in the morning. Maybe when I'm fifteen I won't be this emotional. Only about a month to go until then.

I've been referring to Michael's mum in the story as his mom, and I won't go back and fix it, because I'm lazy, but I am fixing it starting this chapter.

In that gif, Michael is being all sexy and Calum is so oblivious.

When Michael woke up the next morning, Calum was actually there, for once.

The shorter of the two wiggled out from underneath Calum's arm and sat so that his legs were hanging off of the bed. He stared fondly at his sleeping friend, but then his eyes landed on his stitches, and last night came back all too fast.

He shakily got out of his bed and shivered when his feet touched the cold wood floor. He padded over to his closet and grabbed an over-sized black sweater, then slipped it on and made his way downstairs.

As he passed the kitchen, he saw the pizza from last night still on the pan, the pizza cutter beside it. He also saw the box cutter on the counter, and he bit his lip and quickly walked to the living room. He just wanted to get as far away from that thing as possible.

He saw Irina and Ashton's presents on the coffee table, and he smiled softly and sat on the couch.

He grabbed Irina's present and ripped the wrapping paper off of it to find a box, which he opened. Inside was a cute little stuffed bear, along with a card that read, 'Calum is like your cuddly bear, so this is for when he isn't there for you.'

Michael loved the preset, but it reminded him once again how often Calum wasn't in his life. He reached for Ashton's present next, but stopped when he heard his mum scream.

He quickly ran into the kitchen, where he heard the scream come from, and he froze when he saw his mum staring in horror at the box cutter.

"Michael," she said, her eyes locking onto him, "th-that belongs to your dad."

"I-I know," Michael responded, confused.

"Why are you acting so calm about this?! This means that your dad was here!"

"Mum, I know."

"What the fuck is going on?!" She looked pale and like she was about to either vomit or faint.

"Didn't the police call you?" She shook her head and stared at Michael with wide eyes. "Mum, you should probably sit down. I don't want you to faint or something."

She shakily followed him to the living room and sat down next to him on the couch.

He took a deep breath and said, "Last night, Dad came here." His mum gasped and tears sprang to her eyes. "He, um, he gave me that box cutter as a birthday present, and when I wouldn't take it, he..." Michael couldn't continue. It was too painful for him. So, he just lifted the sleeve on his left arm and exposed his stitches for her to see. "The police were supposed to call you last night and explain everything," he said, tears falling down his cheeks and dropping onto his sweater.

"M-My phone was off all night," she replied. She pulled Michael into a hug, and the two cried together. Michael explained a few more things, and then his mum said, "That's it. I'm getting you a therapist."

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