Shut up and read

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I got tagged by @squattmccall to do the ten facts thingy, so, um, I guess I'll tag @iCheeseYou and here's some lame facts about me.

1. I play the cello, and I've been playing it for about three years.

2. I published a book.

3. I'm fourteen, but my short height and chubby cheeks make me look younger.

4. I'm in a band.

5. I sleep with a Spider-Man nightlight because I'm really scared of the dark. And Spider-Man is awesome.

6. I have been told that my laugh sounds like an asthmatic horse, and my sneeze sounds like that of a kitten.

7. I used to steal from my daycare when I was younger.

8. The only somewhat famous person I've ever met was Jon Cozart. We were both in a line at Universal.

9. I live in Florida. Why does it have a bigger population than New York? Nothing ever happens here, therefore people shouldn't want to live here.

10. Today my brother told me to not become one of those people who wear ripped skinny jeans and band t-shirts. Reasons like this are why I spend my time on wattpad and don't talk to my family.

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