Chapter 11

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Dedication: ashwhipe. I don't think my girlfriend and I can adopt you, sorry.

After seventeen hours over three days, my room is finally clean and I can focus more on writing.

I listened mostly to Arctic Monkeys and The Neighbourhood while writing this, so I was listening to chill music for a not chill book.

With the help of one of my friends today, I flushed nine of my blades. Be proud of me, you lovely people.

Calum didn't sleep that night. He paced back and forth in his bedroom and tugged at his hair, wondering if he should go over to Mikey's.

After Michael had ran out of The Bar, Calum finished beating up the guy, then fucked the girl who he'd saved. Then he went home, because his jaw was hurting like crazy from where he had been punched.

"Calum?" his mom asked from the doorway. "I brought you another ice pack."

"Thanks," the brunet said, giving his mom a soft smile.

She sighed and said, "I know that you go to The Bar."

Calum's eyes widened and he gulped.

"I'm not mad," she continued. "At least, I wasn't until tonight. Someone punched you, didn't they?" He nodded and sat down on his bed. The ice was starting to numb his jaw, which he was thankful for. "Did you punch him?"

"How do you know that I go there?" Calum asked, deciding to change the subject.

"My friends go there, and they've told me that they've seen you there. You didn't answer my question, Calum. Did you punch him?"

He looked away from her and decided to instead pick at the ripped knee of his skinny jeans. "Yeah."

"Good. If someone hits you, you can't let them get away with it."

He looked back up at her with a disbelieving smile.

"Now, get some rest. It's late, and you have school tomorrow." She hugged him, then left his room and closed his door behind her.

He was still smiling, because he had an awesome mom. But, his smile dropped when he remembered what he'd done to Michael.

"He'll be fine," Calum said with a shrug, then climbed under his covers after setting the ice pack on his nightstand.


The next morning, Calum was awoken by a pillow hitting him repeatedly in the face.

"Get up," Michael said once he saw that Calum was awake.

"I don't-"

"Get your ass up. I don't have time for your whining, Calum."

"Wow, someone's pissed." Calum rubbed his eyes and stood, then shuffled to his bathroom.

"I'll be downstairs," Michael called.

Once the younger boy was ready for school, he made his way downstairs.

"Why are you only wearing your backpack on one shoulder?" Calum asked as they walked out to his car, because Michael always wore his backpack on two.

"Why do you think?" Michael asked with an eye roll. The two got into the car, and there was clearly tension around them.

"Oh." The brunet scratched the back of his neck. "Right. I'm sorry about last night."

Michael scoffed and said, "You're unbelievable."

They didn't speak until they got to school, and even then it was just quick goodbye's.

When Calum was writing the date on his paper in his first period, his eyes widened, and he turned to Luke, who was sitting two desks away from him.

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