very important

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First of all, I'm so, so sorry this isn't an update.

Second of all, I need your help.

I was just in the shower, and I do quite a bit of thinking in there.

I was thinking about a story I just started reading today, which led me to think of another story, which led me to think of a book about nightmares that I want to start, called Nightmare Games.

I need you to either comment here on this a/n or to pm me your biggest fears, or even nightmares you've had.

Every single person who comments their fears on this a/n or pms me will be in the story, and the chapter your fear is about will be dedicated to you.

So, this is kind of difficult to explain, but I'll try anyway. I'll do it in steps.

1. comment your name, or a name you'd like to have in the story. (You cannot be Luke, Ashton, Calum, or Michael, but you can be Abigail Breslin, if you want.) Also, comment a physical description of yourself, or a description you'd like to have. It isn't needed, but it would be nice. A personality would be nice, too.

2. your age.

3. comment your biggest fear, or a nightmare you've had, though I'd like your biggest fear more. If someone has already commented their biggest fear, and it's the same as yours, then comment your second biggest. If your second biggest has already been commented, then comment your third, and so on. It is very important that you comment what rank of fear it is. Biggest, second biggest, third biggest...

If the fear will trigger you, then don't comment it. I don't want anyone to be triggered by any of my stories, or to be triggered at all.

I will reply to every single one of you, to let you know that I have your fear.

Please, please, please help me out with this.

I really want to write this book, and I need your help to do it.

Take It Out On Me [Malum AU]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora