Chapter 10

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Dedication: spidermanmuke because I feel honored that you like this book that much. Also, I really like your username. I love Spider-Man.

I'm updating a lot within the next few minutes because I'm really happy, and when I'm really happy I write a lot. (I'm really happy because my girlfriend called me angel today and now she's going to read this and - ugh I'm such an embarrassment. Please read and enjoy the chapter.)

When Calum woke up the next morning, it was by the usual routine of Michael waking him up.

He did his morning business, then the two were off to school.

Michael and Ashton were back to normal, and lunch was a lot more relaxed than yesterday. It was after school, when things got interesting.

Calum let himself into Michael's house, and, like usual, Michael's mom wasn't home.

He jogged up the stairs and was about to open his friends door, but he heard the boy talking to someone.

"Right. Yeah. Just wait a little longer." There were a few moments of silence, and in those few seconds, Calum bit his lip and didn't notice that his muscles were tensing. "Luke and I aren't dating, I promise." More silence. "Okay, I'll see you soon. Bye."

Calum waited a few more seconds, then opened Michael's door and said, "Hey."

The boy had been sitting on his bed, but he stood when he saw Calum, and he threw his phone on the bed.

"Um, hey," he said, obviously nervous. "H-How long were you outside my door?"

"I just came up here. Why?" Calum hated lying to his best friend, but it wasn't like Michael was exactly being truthful to him, either.

"Nothing. I was just wondering."

The brunet nodded. "Do you want to come to The Bar with me?"

"On a Thursday?" Michael raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, why not?"

"I'm not skipping school tomorrow because of a hangover."

Calum shook his head. "I don't want to go to get drunk. I just thought I'd hang out with Mariana."

"Oh, great. Your fuckbuddy." The taller boy thought he detected jealousy in Michael's voice, but he didn't say anything about it. "How do you even know she'll be there?"

"She's almost always there."

"So why do you want me to go if you just want to hang out with her?"

He opened his mouth to respond, but then found that he didn't really know why.

"I just want you to," he answered truthfully.

Michael sighed, then bit his lip, clearly contemplating of he wanted to go or not. Finally, he shrugged and said, "Fine. Let's go."

Calum grinned, and the two went out to his car. They drove in silence, neither really wanting to talk about anything in particular.

For a Thursday afternoon, The Bar was packed, and Michael found that really weird.

"This is normal," Calum said, seemingly reading his mind as they got out of the car. "The Bar is always full."

Michael once again clung to Calum as they entered the place, and he immediately spotted Mariana.

"Hey, Cal," she said as they sat down beside her at the bar, Calum on one side of her and Michael on the other. "You brought your cute friend." She smiled at Michael and ruffled his hair. "What are you two doing here at this time of day?"

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