Chapter 7

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At the side/top is a shitty picture of my shitty handwriting, and the picture is crooked. My OCD totally isn't kicking in at all. That's for Nightmare Games. I'm writing down all the info you guys gave me, and I wanted to show you kind of what I'm doing.

When I told my brother about my nightmare book, he said, "Yeah, there's Saw." He said my idea wasn't original and that it's been done a bunch of times in a bunch of different ways in horror movies. He said I should stop planning the book because it's not a good idea. But, as long as you guys like the idea, I'll write the book. I really like the idea.

Some of you were upset that you missed out on Muke stuff for Calum with a girl, so, this chapter is for you guys.

They didn't end up going to the mall.

Calum didn't have any money, and Michael didn't really want to skip school, since he needed to bring up his shitty grades.

By the time they got there, their third classes were already halfway through, so they just walked around the school until the bell rang for that class to end, and then Calum reluctantly went to Zoology and Michael to AP Music Theory.

"Where've you been?" Ashton asked when Michael walked into his class. The two had their first four classes together, so it was understandable that Ashton was confused.

"I woke up late," Michael replied, sitting next to his friend and taking out his notebook and pencil.

AP Music Theory was one of the only classes Michael actually focused in, and it was the only class that he had a good grade in.

It was a hard class, but he paid attention and studied, and he loved music, making the class bearable.

He had written two pages of notes before the class ended, and his hand was cramping from how fast he had been writing, and how he never really stopped writing the entire class. The teacher always went too fast with notes, so Michael often fell behind and was always writing.

Some kids failed the class because they gave up trying to take notes and only wrote down a few.

Once the bell rang, Michael and Ashton said their goodbye's, and then Michael was off to gym.

Gym was the only class Michael had with Irina, and she made fun of him a lot, because she was one of those sporty girls, while he took fifteen minutes to run a mile. But, he loved her nonetheless.

"I think you lost more hair since the last time I've seen you," Irina said when the galaxy-haired boy met up with her in the gym after changing into his gym clothes in the locker room.

"It still looks awesome, though," he said, not phased by her comment at all. He was quite aware that he was losing his hair, but he didn't really care.

"Partner up!" their coach said, and the two teens immediately looked at each other and grinned. "Today you're playing basketball. Have fun, and try not to bother me." Their coach sat down on the bleachers and took her phone out of her pocket.

Days like these were the ones Michael liked the most. Their coach was really lazy, so a lot of times she just let them go off and do whatever.

Irina and Michael shot baskets for the entire class (of course Irina scored more than the pale boy did) and then, after they changed back into their regular clothes and met up in between the girls and boys locker rooms, they walked to lunch together, like they had since the first day of school that year.

"What did you do this weekend, Michael?" Irina asked, and Michael shrugged.

He tried to hide his blush from remembering what him and Luke had done, but his friend saw right through him, and she nudged him with a smile.

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