Chapter 26

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Dedication: Lashton_luvs_you for saying that this book is your favorite *blushes* thank you. (And I love that Halsey is your other favorite thing.)

A lot of people have left this story, and for those of you who will stay to the end, bring some tissues. I'm not saying it will will have a bad ending, but I'm trying to prepare you for what's to come. Like, I'm Calum, you're Michael, and I'm trying to prep you. These words are the lube and idk, I guess your emotions are Michael's bootyhole.

Malum last night. At one point during the show, Ashton asked them what they were doing, and Michael said, "We're just whispering secrets to each other. Dirty little secrets."

Michael and Calum had been giggly around each other ever since they were sexual. They blushed whenever they looked at each other, and they were becoming more risky, kissing when Calum's parents weren't looking, and holding hands under the table at dinners. They felt so much closer than they had before, but not in the way of that they constantly wanted to have sex. Just in the way that they felt like their relationship was growing, and they were starting to fall in love with each other.

Right now, they were on Calum's bed, sitting with their knees bent, Calum's legs on either side of Michael, while Michael had his close to his chest.

"It's almost Christmas," Calum said, his hand caressing Michael's cheek. His thumb was lightly stroking back and forth across the smooth, pale skin.

"Yeah," Michael replied, grinning. "What would you like for Christmas, Cal?"

"I already saw your present to me under the Christmas tree."

"How do you know it's mine?"

"Because I saw that it said it was to me, from you."

Michael blushed. "Oh."

"Idiot," Calum said fondly. He leaned forward and kissed Michael, slowly, and gently. When they pulled away from each other, Michael's blush had deepened.

"Kids!" Calum's mum called from the door, making the two jump apart from each other, even though the door was closed and Calum's mum couldn't see them. "Dinner's ready."

Calum groaned and stood from his bed. "Just when I thought we were getting somewhere," he said, causing Michael to roll his eyes.

"You know we can't do anything. Three parents and a sister are down there."

"My sister already knows that we did something." Calum grinned cheekily and gripped Michael's hips. The boy squealed, but he was quickly silenced by a firm kiss on his lips.

"What was that for?" he asked, eyes wide.

"I'm just getting a feel for your lips."


"Because I'm trying to imagine what they would feel like wrapped around my dick." Michael practically choked on his own spit. "You have great blowjob lips, baby." Calum smirked, then opened his door and headed for the stairs.

Every Christmas Eve, Michael and his mum would come over and spend the night with Calum and his parents. Michael's mum would sleep in their guest bedroom, and Michael would sleep in Calum's room. They all sat around a table and ate dinner on Christmas Eve, and they'd make bets on who would stay awake the longest. After dinner, they'd change into the clothes they would sleep in, then go into the living room with mugs of hot chocolate and watch Christmas movies until they fell asleep there, or decided to go to their respective rooms to sleep. Once everyone was awake the next morning, they'd sit around in the living room and open presents, then hang out together until the night came, and Michael and his mum would go home.

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