» coppers

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coppers x he meets you @ the shooting / your pov

"I just don't think he should be out here right now." I exclaimed, throwing my hands up in the air in frustration as I paced around the commissioners office. "That crazy bitch is out there just waiting for him, Jim isn't safe here!"

The commissioner sighed at the sound of my words, shaking her head and resting a hand on her temple. "Jim won't listen, Y/N. He's too committed to this job, you know that."

That's when the thought finally dawned on me, I stopped in my tracks and looked over at her. "Where's Jim anyways?" I furrowed my brows as I recalled the events from just a few minutes ago. "I don't even remember seeing him when I came in."

"I'll call him, Y/N." The commissioner reassured me, reaching for the black phone that sat on her desk and a sticky note stuck on her desk. I leaned back on the window by the door, trying to relax for a bit as she called him.

God, the situations he gets himself into; I always told him Barbara was no good. Yet he never listened and look where it got him.

Just as she was punching in the last four digits of Jim's number, there was a knock on the door's window - causing both of us to look at the visitor as I stood up from my spot.

"Yo, comish." The deep accent spoke from under the brim of his police hat. I bent down a bit, curiously trying to get a good view of his face but when I did, I wish I hadn't.

Essen looked up from the paper where Jim's number was written and placed the phone back on the receiver. "Yeah?" Her reaction resembled mine when the man looked up, no longer hiding his face.

She quickly grabbed for where gun would be in her desk but stopped mid-action when Jerome took out his own and aimed it at her. "Heard you were looking for us."

As the scene unfolded, I tried inching closer and closer to the door but stopped when I looked at the gun inches away from my face. "Ah, ah, ah."  He shook his head, letting out a laugh as he pushed me back into the room.

"Well, aren't you a pretty one?" He arched an eyebrow at me, the gun still less than three inches away from my face. I felt his breath on me, causing me to shake a bit at the realization that, basically, danger in human form was standing right in front of me.

"I guess you could say that." I breathed out, trying to control my fear from showing too much. I flinched when the cool metal touched my skin, the corner of the gun's muzzle running down my cheek.

"Very, very, pretty." He commented, before putting his attention back on the commissioner. His hand balled up into a fist as he brought it up to his mouth, letting out a cough. "Back to business now."


I watched from the corner as he stood in front of the tied up commissioner, my own hands and ankles bounded too. The tears from earlier had dried up now, realizing there was no point in crying anymore.

There was a small part of me that hoped Jim would bust through the doors and save us and another hoping that maybe him finding me 'pretty' would make him spare my life. The latter was what it seemed like there was a bigger chance of happening though.

It seemed as if he was about to start giving his small 'speech' about making a mark, when he leaned in close to the commissioners face and signaled the other guy to roll the camera.

"Yeah, I get it. You're just crazy." The commissioner spat at him, causing his face to contour into a confused look. I watched as he took three big steps towards her and bent down to her level.

"Look at me." Jerome placed a hand on his chest, right over where his heart would be. "You can see I'm not crazy." He turned to face me, the corners of his lips curling into a bigger grin. "Right, Y/N?"

I quickly nodded, afraid of what he'd do if I said the truth. The guy he called Greenwood laughed and tapped my side with the tip of his shoe when Jerome was talking to Essen again. "Kid actually is crazy, though." He whispered in my direction, causing a small laugh to leave my mouth.

"Don't touch her, Greenwood." Jerome ordered, a bit of anger showing through his regular maniacal expression as he watched us through his peripheral view.

"Or what?" He challenged him, reaching a hand out to slowly run it through my messy hair while the other held the camera. A smirk was placed on his lips as he awaited Jerome's reaction.

"I said," My eyes widened at the sight of him aiming his gun at one of his own, the smile on his lips never faltering despite the scene he was about to create. "Don't touch her."

He held up his hand in mock surrender when Jerome held the gun up at him, making Jerome smile and nod his head in accomplishment. "Now, commissioner."

"You know why?" He continued with his speech, opening his mouth to say his next words but stopped when Greenwood interrupted him again.

"There's nothing more contagious than laughter." I let out a small scream at the freshly dead body laying next to me.

"My line." Jerome smiled at us, looking over at the dead body in admiration. "I wouldn't have been able to trust him alone with you back at our place anyways." He happily shrugged at me.

The sudden murder and talk about living with him made me more passionate about escaping. I looked around the corpse-filled police station as I searched for an escape, wanting to get out of here already. My plan was interrupted when I looked up and saw Jerome's face covered in blood.

"My turn." I shut my eyes when I heard the gun shot ring through the whole department. The commissioner's eyes widened at the sudden injury, not expecting him to actually shoot her.

"Well, this was fun and all," Jerome threw the gun behind his shoulder and started walking towards me. "But I still have a lot more to do, comish. See ya."

"Ah," he let out a sigh of relief when he stood in front of me, roughly picking me up my arm. "Y/N, I have big things planned." He untied my ankles and wrists, forcing me to walk with him. "You'll be able to join in on the fun now. Exciting, huh?"


chloespinola52 , here you go! ❤️

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