Chapter One

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"I love you, Leo.."
His warm arms wrapped around me as we stepped off that airplane. For a split second, I was going to tell him I loved him too.
But I was weak, I was holding back. Because I couldn't admit to Donatello that I loved him more than I thought I was capable of, he left me.
Do you have any idea how rough those first few weeks after our break up were for me?
He got hit by a car- and I was forbidden to visit him. He moved out of New York City shortly after- and of course didn't tell me where. He's gone.

I could've had him, I could've married him even, if I had just let my heart take over, but no- I was too afraid of what he'd think of me if he knew who I was inside.
That night- the night I hurt him- the fear in his eyes as he left my penthouse- I blurted out that I loved him but he didn't believe me after what I did. Who would?

My love for him.. I didn't want to accept how strong it was.. how much I needed him in my life. It seemed impossible for me to focus on a contract at that point.

I didn't even mean to fall in love with him. It just happened out of nowhere...
I felt it when I first laid eyes on him.. I couldn't stop how I felt. But I could hide it. And that annoyed him to no end. However, we were not perfect for each other.

Well, a year and a half passed since then. Eight months after we broke up I ran for mayor and was elected. So that was a big change.. who would run my company now?
My younger brother said he would. Raph isn't exactly a business man, but I agreed, and so far he'd done an excellent job running it. I was proud of him.

It was late summer where our story begins, and hot as hell in the mayor's- I mean, my office. Kids were about to go back to school.
"Leonardo-" Karai, my receptionist even today, opened the door. "Why didn't you tell me your birthday passed already? I would've gotten you a cake." She put some paperwork on my desk.

"You know I don't care much for birthdays.." I shrugged, taking a look at them.
"How old are you now?" She smiled a little.
"Hmm.. let's see. Last year I turned twenty-seven, so this year I'm twenty-eight. There you go."
"Twenty-eight, huh? Dang you're old." She teased, trying to lighten my boring mood.
"Yeah, you'd think I would be settled down in Peru with a llama farm by now.." I mumbled, turning on the computer. Just one more search..
"Well, I'll leave you to your work. You have to attend a funeral this evening."
"I know I know.. get back to work." I massaged my temples. Where could he have gone...
"One more thing, sir.." She stood at the door. "You need to move on. It's been almost two years."
"Shut up." I snapped.
She jumped a little and shut the door, hopefully going back to work.
If she'd just stop mentioning it...
I remember while Donatello and I were still together he mentioned a job offer in Washington, D.C. - some sort of children's thing...
If only I were better with computers. A heavy rain started to fall outside and the wifi glitched up. "Oh come on.." I frowned and grabbed my briefcase, leaving the office and just going back home. No use in using their crappy wifi.

Home hadn't  been the same anymore. No one was ever there except me. The kitchen was always a mess, the house for that matter. I could've hired a maid but I didn't want anyone getting into my private business.
I sat in front of the tv with a bowl of noodles, feeling a little drowsy as the boring newscaster blabbered on.
"In educational news, the Washington school district has found a 25% grade increase with its highschool students last year, middle schools finding a 32% increase, and elementary school reading comprehension levels have sky rocketed. Since the textbooks, teachers and schools have improved, we can only thank their sponsors for this- the Markingdale Education company- that has been changing students' lives all over the country."
I yawned.
"The current president of the company states that she hopes students continue to have the zest for learning. And the Vice President, Donatello Yoshi- encourages students to stop by Markingdale's study help center for those in middle or highschool, where tutors are positioned to help students after school, Monday through-"
I spit out my drink and gasped. Did she just say.. "What did you say??" I asked the TV. Of course she changed to other news just as I wanted to know.
"Donnie..." Finally, I found him.
Markingdale. Washington, D.C. Here we go...
I hurried over to the laptop and searched the company. There it was- and there he was...
He hadn't changed much in two years.. but I knew by the look in his eyes that his heart did change.
Was he dating someone? Married? Single? How could I talk to him-- I mean- I had to talk to him. No doubt about that.

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